Aims and Challenges of the Donald Trump’s Campaign
The first and one of the most controversial was the Trump’s promise to build the wall on the Mexican border to stop the flow of the illegal migrants from this country. What is even more debatable is his idea to put expenditures for this project on the Mexican government. The idea of constructing a "to build a great, great wall on our southern border" have raised eyebrows of his most devoted fans.
There are many issues that Trump has to address while realizing this project. The first and the most obvious are costs for the realization of this ambitious project. The wall is planned to be at least 1,200 miles long and 30-foot tall to perform its function while its most approximate cost may not less than $10bn though the real cost may be as high as $ 21bn because some part of the wall will be located in the remote and difficult for access parts of the border. What is more, a substantial part of the privately owned land will be crisscrossed by the fence and financial agreements with its owners will add to the wall budget. However, Trump, predicting it’s enormous for the budget cost, was trying to ensure the voters that Mexico will carry all the expenditures. Recently he has found a solution – to increase taxation of Mexican commodities up to 20% that may add necessary $10bn to the budget annually. Additionally to the cost of the project, building of the wall will dramatically deteriorate relationships with Mexico and make tension between two countries stronger. Finally, building of the wall may affect environment and movement of animals, consequently protests of conservationists are inevitable. Overall, the whole Mexican wall project looks difficult for realization and costly.
Qui, L. Donald Trump's Top 10 Campaign Promises. Politifact, July 15th, 2016. Retrieved from …