Business and Management & Finances Discussion Forum example

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Business and Management & Finances Discussion Forum

Discussion 1

You have presented informative ideas in your discussion post. The most informative idea is that it is imperative for non-financial managers to undergo finance and accounting training. Every manager dreams of growing their career and assume greater responsibility within their organization. One of the basic requirements for promotion is that managers should demonstrate an understanding of financial management. It is not mandatory that the manager be a number’s person and that’s where it is imperative that non-financial managers undergo financial and accounting training (Marsh, 2012). Such training enables non-financial managers to understand finance and accounting terminologies, concepts, and applications. It also enables non-financial managers to understand the impact of financial decisions on the performance of business departments and the overall profitability of the organization. Therefore, I agree with you that non-financial managers should undergo finance and accounting training so that they can gain the relevance competence and confidence when interacting financial managers (Fields, 2016).

Discussion 2

I agree with you that there is a relationship between Healthcare Informatics and Information Informatics. The relationship between the two disciplines originates from their focus on the manipulation and sharing of information. The study of informatics focuses on the human as well as the humanistic dimensions of the design and use of information systems (Hovenga, 2010). Computer systems play a major role in the success of healthcare informatics because they have transformed the way healthcare professionals manipulate as well as share information. Despite the role of digital technology in transforming healthcare informatics, there are a myriad of challenges that healthcare professionals face. In addition to the challenges you have mentioned in the discussion post, other challenges include patient information security and lack of standard structures to represent biomedical knowledge, data, and patient data (Hoyt & Yoshihashi, 2014). I support your idea that physicians and other clinical personnel use their technical knowledge in the best interest of patients as well as the hospital. The reason is that healthcare informatics professionals are in the best position to handle these challenges.


Fields, E. (2016). The essentials of finance and accounting for nonfinancial managers. New York: AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn.

Hovenga, E. J. S. (2010). Health informatics: An overview. Amsterdam: IOS Press.

Hoyt, R. E., & Yoshihashi, A. (2014). Health informatics: Practical guide for healthcare and information technology professionals. New York:

Marsh, C. (2012). Financial management for non-financial managers. London: Kogan …

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