Calculating Cost of Capital for United Arab Emirates Construction Companies example

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Calculating Cost of Capital for United Arab Emirates Construction Companies

Abstract, Discussion, Findings, Recommendation, Conclusions

Deadline: 16th of April 2017

Supervised by

Dr. Abderazak Bakhouche

ACADEMIC HONESTY DECLARATION: This assignment is entirely my own work except where I have duly acknowledged other sources in the text and listed those sources at the end of the assignment. I have not previously submitted this work to the HCT. I understand that I may be orally examined on my submission.

I understand that I must not attempt to gain marks dishonestly during an assessed task as this is considered cheating. Helping another student gain marks during an assessed task is also considered cheating. THE PENALTY FOR CHEATING AT HCT IS SEVERE AND INCLUDES PERMANENT DISMISSAL FROM THE COLLEGE.

I have read the above information and understand my responsibilities with regard to academic honesty during this project.

Date: 16th of April 2017

Table of Contents




Discussion, Findings, Recommendations and Conclusions6

Discussion of Findings6


Conclusions of the findings and recommendations7





This Integrative Industry Project consisted of such key parts as research proposal, literature review, and methodology & data analysis, results. The research proposal defined the topic of the project, which is “Calculating Cost of Capital for United Arab Emirates Construction Companies.” The research proposal suggested United Arab Emirates construction companies that were evaluated, such as EMAR, Arabetc, and Consolidated Contractors Company (CCC). The research proposal also defined the purpose of the research – to employ the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) as a method of providing valuable information to investors. The research proposal provided details on how the WACC formula would be applied in the research project. The research proposal was instrumental in providing information on the significance and importance of the WACC method to the project. In addition to justifying the importance of the WACC, the research proposal outlined research methods and design. In particular, the research proposal identified such methods as a descriptive method, qualitative exploratory research, quantitative research, event study, SWOT analysis. The research proposal also included time schedule and deadlines.

Another key element of the research project is a literature review. The purpose of the literature review was to present an appropriated evaluation of a wide range of academic sources and materials regarding the topics articulated in the research proposal. The literature review was instrumental in providing a theoretical framework for the research. This theoretical framework consisted of relevant sources such as works by Ward (1999), Shubber (2008), O`Brien (2012), Khan (2016), Ferrero (2016), Luzajic (2016), Peavler (2016) and others. For the purpose of the research, the literature review presented the works in the table.

The next key element of the research project is data and methodology part. The purpose of this element of the research was to choose the necessary data methods and describe data variables. This part of the research also included methodology Excel spreadsheet indicating all the necessary WACC calculations for the chosen construction companies. The methodology and data analysis provided the evaluation of leading …

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