Case Study: Nursing Education and Nursing Informatics example

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Nursing Education and Nursing Informatics

Case study synopsis

Victoria has been in a dilemma for a long time wondering whether to practice in the lively city or in her passive hometown where her family lives. She wonders in what manner both experiences differ in terms of
demands and technology which prompts her to visit relevant sources with the details that she is interested in. This document seeks to describe the differences in demands and technologies and the manner in which virtual
reality, recreations, and real-life situations could be considered to promote optimum teaching to student nurses. The paper also explores how the aforementioned aspects can be integrated into the nursing institute syllabus to promote patient, caregiver, and healthcare facility safety.

Question 1

There exist differences in demands and technologies in various areas of the country and also globally. The technological developments in urban settings have led to different experiences in nursing practices.
Developments of telephone communications, computer-facilitated communications, and computer-generated skills have created prospects aimed at enhancing communication links while expanding the scope of practice in
the healthcare profession (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2015). The technological growth and improvements are more notable in the urban settings compared to the rural setup. Technology has been used to bridge the geographical
barriers that face nursing students and nurse practitioners. Matching technology with curricular goals enhances the channels through which nursing fraternity transfers knowledge and expertise to the students making the process affordable and more effective (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2015).

Unlike in rural areas where simple technology is utilized in nursing informatics, urban zones have evolved to incorporate modern technology in teaching nursing students and in the nursing profession as well (McGonigle
& Mastrian, 2015). New applications have been integrated to equip nurses with recreations, multifaceted multimedia, simulated reality-aided medical set-ups, and a variety of details and documented information from the internet. Furthermore, since nursing informatics has become more dependent on technology usability, functionality, and accessibility, it’s use has become frequent in the urban areas compared to rural areas.

Nursing education, the level of care and resources also differ between urban and rural areas due to the diverse needs of the population. In rural settings, the education requirements are less advanced and with little or
no specialization needed. Career preparation programs offered in educational institutions provide the professional foundation needed to meet the needs of …

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