Child Trafficking for Adoption in Mexico example

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Child Trafficking for Adoption in Mexico

Human trafficking is a significant problem that can be seen all over the world while the major part of victims is usually from poor countries. Nowadays, various organizations fight for the rights of women and children and try to avoid human trafficking (Martinez and Cortez-Yactayo, 2015). However, the reality illustrates that the activities undertaken by these organizations are not enough to stop such a horrible practice (Barrera-Fernandez and Hernandez-Escampa, 2017). Child trafficking is one of the ways how people earn their illegal money and more than seventy thousand children are kidnapped and forced to work or adopted annually.

Child trafficking for adoption is popular in Mexico as the quality of life in rural areas of Mexico does not allow people to get education and job so that to raise children properly. Young mothers do not have enough information on how to act in case when their children are taken away from them (Schrader-McMillan and Herrera, 2016). Kidnapped children are sold for about five thousand dollars that makes such a ‘business’ attractive and speculates its extension.

The other side of the problem is connected to the fact that Mexican women might believe that their children might have a better life in case they are adopted. However, the problem is that nobody checks conditions of life in families who adopt children and nobody knows that a child will not be sold to organs (Close, 2014). The government does not provide any support to young mothers who experience different problems after giving a birth to a child that can be considered as a contributing factor to child trafficking for adoption in Mexico (Behrens, 2015). Social services use their power to take away children from women who experience difficulties with raising children and sell children abroad (Azaola, 2014). Social services make it easier for international families to get information on children and can be associated with child trafficking in Mexico.


Azaola, E. (2014). Women prisoners: theory and reality in Mexico. Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance, 19(1), 121-138.

Barrera-Fernandez, D., & Hernandez-Escampa, M. (2017). Events and placemaking: the case of the Festival Internacional Cervantino in Guanajuato, Mexico. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 8(1), 24-38.

Behrens, T. (2015). Lift-off for Mexico? Crime and finance in money laundering governance structures. Journal of Money Laundering Control, 18(1), 17-33.

Close, P. (2014). Child labor and slavery in modern society. Sociological Studies of Children and Youth, 17(1), 13-55.

Martinez, J., & Cortez-Yactayo, W. (2015). Who are the victims of property crime in Mexico. International Journal of Social Economics, 42(2), 179-198.

Schrader-McMillan, A., & Herrera, E. (2016). The successful family reintegration of street-connected children: application of attachment and trauma theory. Journal of Children's Services, 11(3), …

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