Christian Theology Assessment Assignment example

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Christian Theology Assessment Assignment

Question One

Christians adopt various practices that enable them to strengthen their faith and achieve unity in the community. Among them, one can distinguish praying and Bible reading because these activities ensure that the belief in Jesus remains an inseparable part of a person’s worldview. Moreover, they give people a sense of belonging to a group that accepts certain beliefs, values, and assumptions. Overall, praying and Bible reading represent the conversation between God and believers who follow such practices in order to find hope and overcome social alienation. A prayer can be described as the attempt to address God (Andreson 80). This form of communication can express gratitude, praise, or a plea for help (Andreson 80). In this way, a person discloses his/her soul to God and reveals the most intimate feelings or desires. One should keep in mind that a prayer can take various forms; for instance, it can be either private or public. Furthermore, this activity can be undertaken by separate
individuals or groups. This practice is critical for faith formation because through a prayer, a human asserts his/her belief in the existence of God who is omniscient, omnipotent and benevolent. To some degree, this
act signifies that a person entrusts his/her life to the care of the Supreme Being. Thus, praying ensures that faith in Jesus remains a key part of a person’s worldview.

Additionally, a collective prayer enables people to see that their beliefs and values are shared by others. As a result, they begin to regard themselves as a part of a larger group whose members are united by their faith. Moreover, such activities help a person to banish the feeling of alienation that affects many individuals. In this way, people can take a more optimistic view of their community. Thus, one can say that praying is closely related to faith formation and social life.

In its turn, Bible reading is the study of the Scripture by people and groups. This practice should not be confused with professional research conducted by historians or theologians. This activity is not aimed at examining the historical context in which the text of the Bible was written. Furthermore, it is not supposed to trace the development of the Christian doctrine. More likely, Bible reading can be seen as the conversation between God and a believer. This activity can help people to attain various objectives; in particular, it can give them moral guidance and hope (Le Grys 39). For example, a person can read the Bible to find the examples of courage and fortitude (Le Grys 39). Moreover, he/she may focus on those stories showing that God can assist individuals in surmounting even the most severe difficulties. Overall, the study of the Scripture enables a Christian to retain his/her faith at the time of enormous hardships.

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