Conceptual and Operational Definitions example

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Conceptual and Operational Definitions

Conceptual definitions try to describe something based on abstract ideas rather than the measurable concepts. On the other hand, operational definitions describe objects based on their measurable and variable components.


Conceptual Definition

Operational Definition

Work performance

This is the ability to reproduce high levels of work rate in the workplace. This is the ability to increase the productivity in terms of profits and marginal gains measured through monetary forms (Hansen, Shrader, & Monllor, 2011).

Prenatal risk

This is defined as the associated risks that are incurred during provision of prenatal care to mothers (Hansen, Shrader, & Monllor, 2011). This can also be attributed to the mothers’ inability to take care of their unborn babies. In this aspect, the prenatal risk is the associated risk, which leads to increased cases of stillbirths among expectant mothers (Hansen, Shrader, & Monllor, 2011). This risk is measured through the reported cases of abnormal births, which might include stillbirths and other abnormalities.

Voter intimidation

This is the concept of instilling fear among voters in order to garner their votes. The voters are intimidated in order to vote in favor of a particular candidate during the elections. In terms of operational definition, voter intimidation is the ability of certain candidates to instill fear among voters (Hansen, Shrader, & Monllor, 2011). In this case, the voters report the cases and the results of such intimidation can be observed through the results of the election.

Social Support

Conceptually, this is the ability to provide support to the society, which cannot be proven through measurements (Hansen, Shrader, & Monllor, 2011). Social support is disseminated through active participation in the society.This is defined by the monetary and other support systems that are directed towards the society (Hansen, Shrader, & Monllor, 2011). This way, the support provided is recorded and proven through the improved social standards.


This concept can be viewed as a person’s character to show concern for others. This way, the person depicts emotion and concern towards an issue in the society.In this category, mindfulness is defined as the ability to act towards a certain issue in the society. In this regard, a person shows concern and acts towards the matter, which results in positive outcomes for the activity (Hansen, Shrader, & Monllor, 2011).


Hansen, D. J., Shrader, R., & Monllor, J. (2011). Defragmenting Definitions of Entrepreneurial Opportunity*. Journal of Small Business Management, 49(2), …

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