Creative writing & Social Media example

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Creative Writing & Social Media Creative Writing

Marketing Tweets for Innosoft Services

Looking for high-quality innovative software solutions for your company or non-profit? Innosoft is here to help!

Do you trust a company which is working with biggest state and federal agencies for many years? Explore our site to learn more!

We in Innosoft believe that a company’s vision matters. Meeting all the client’s needs is what keeps our company the leader on the market.

Innosoft creates an architecture that endures any types of external attacks. We work hard to ensure the highest security possible!

Through corporate social responsibility, Innosoft promotes development of local communities and economic growth. Join our team today!

Informative Tweets about Database Management

Databases play a crucial role for storing companies’ commercial and non-commercial data and thus for enabling their successful work.

Regarding database management, Innosoft works in strategic consulting, building databases, and maintaining production database services.

Successful data migration is crucial for a company which is expanding and needs to transfer data to a more advanced computer storage.

Commercial and especially government institutions should apply database security to prevent malware infections and the loss of data.

In order to manage day-to-date technical activity, companies can use remote database support provided by Innosoft.

The source of the information is the site of the company (Innosoft, n.d.)

A Proposed Contract between Innosoft and Benaa-Charity

In order to enhance its participation in corporate social responsibility, Innosoft can sign a contract with Benaa-Charity. Located in Saudi Arabia, Charity Association for Orphans Care at Eastern Region (BENAA) is a prominent Arab charity organization (OnGood, n.d.). Its cooperation with Innosoft would be profitable for both organizations because Benaa will get the opportunity to use Innosoft’s resources to get a modern and well-design site and other technical solutions, such as database management. At the same time, Innosoft will further improve its reputation and will make a contribution to the development of charity in the region.

Summary of the Article

The article “How to Get an Employee to Work Faster” by Carolyn O'Hara (2017) examines ways to increase employees’ working speed. First, the author highlights the importance of this issue claiming that slower workers can have a negative impact on the overall company’s and team’s productivity. In order to help fight this problem, O’Hara proposes seven key ways of increasing the pace of work. One set of approaches includes identifying the reason of slow work and, therefore, eliminating all obstacles to productive work if they exist. Moreover, the author calls for establishing concise goals and expectations, as well as offering feedback for workers, which is highly useful for their motivation. Other beneficial ways are dividing one big task into numerous smaller ones and allocating assignments to people who enjoy them, which allows to increase productivity significantly. Besides, O’Hara emphasizes that managers should avoid “weaponizing data”, i.e. comparing some employees to others because it can further decrease motivation of workers who struggle to complete all tasks in time. At the end of the …

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