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Facebook Addiction
Facebook has become a significant web resource in the modern life, having more than a billion users around the world. People spend a lot of time, engaging themselves in such activities as updating statuses, posting photos, commenting friends’ photos and liking posts. Moreover, the number of active users doubled with an increase of smartphones, 3G/Wi-Fi networks, becoming the most commonplace in the Internet for the last decade. The paper will identify the most common reasons concerning Facebook addiction, passive Facebook use as well as define the association between Facebook addiction, self-esteem and life satisfaction. Also, the paper will analyze the psychological traits and Facebook addiction model of Taiwanese university students.
Association Between Facebook Addiction, Self-Esteem and Life Satisfaction
An increase in the number of users of social networking sites has been a global phenomenon. Apart from other popular social websites such as Twitter, Linkedln and MySpace, Facebook has been the most popular website for communication and sharing information for more than 800 million users. Due to the fact that many people are becoming active users of social networks, there has been an increased interest of many researchers. Blachnio, Przepiorka and Pantic (2016) have focused many research efforts on the investigation of potential connection between social networking and mental health issues, especially on the Facebook use, self-esteem and life satisfaction. The researchers created and implemented the cross-sectional study, where they tested 381 Facebook users. The age of users differ from 12 to 58 years, where 62.8% were females.
All participants were found online via a link to the online survey on the Facebook wall. They were tested with the help of Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale, Facebook Intensity Scale for measuring the intensity and frequency of Facebook usage, Satisfaction With Life Scale for measuring life satisfaction and Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem Scale for measuring self-esteem (Ellison et al., 2007). The groups of people were divided into three groups of ordinary, intensive and addicted users of Facebook. The results of the research demonstrated that ordinary users of Facebook differ statistically in self-esteem and life satisfaction from even intensive users and especially from addicted. The researchers claimed that an addiction to Facebook has a direct connection with the quality of life as well as with its satisfaction.
Besides, the identification of connection between Facebook use, self-esteem and life satisfaction, the goal of the research was to identify if people with various levels of Facebook intensity and Facebook addiction can vary in self-esteem and life satisfaction. Furthermore, the outcome of the research demonstrates that Facebook intensity had a negative influence on the satisfaction with life in the various groups of participants. Therefore, it was claimed that an excessive Facebook use has a serious impact on the quality of life in the addiction group. In addition, the three stages of division of Facebook addiction provide opportunities for the researchers to define people addiction from normal to excessive use. For instance, the group with …