Global Warming: Fact or Fiction? example

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Global Warming: Fact or Fiction?

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This research proposal describes the topic that is of interest for the author and explains what he is going to consider. Global warming is the problem for many speculations, and politicians do not hesitate to use it in order to manipulate public opinion or gain grants in order to deal with this problem. The work suggests to resolve a debate over global warming and its connection to the high CO2 levels. It will consider the increases in global temperature and their connection to anthropogenic sources of CO2 via quantitative and multivariate analyses of actual data from reliable sites and data sources. The proposed research study discusses the main idea that the paper is seeking to address, the literature that allows to investigate a problem and conduct an analysis of its strengths and weaknesses, and emphasizes that future of people and lives of next generations directly depends on global warming and actions people do to deal with it.

Global Warming: Fact or Fiction?

The subject of research proposal sounds like: Is Global Warming Fact or Fiction and does it have anything to do with the high CO2 levels? I have chosen this topic because global warming is of particular interest for modern scientists, they argue whether it is real or something produced by media. Future of society and lives of next generations directly depend on global warming and actions people do to deal with it.However, I am going to consider it and reveal if global warming is dangerous for humans and what people should do in order to prevent disaster associated with global warming.

This research proposal is seeking to find out whether the high CO2 levels lead to global warming and how to address it. Anyone who reads the scientific news often sees evidences of global warming because reports in this area are published almost every week. It is widely believed that anthropogenic sources of CO2 increase global temperature (Vares and Persinger, 2015, p. 849). Thus, human activities may cause unusual or even unpredictable patterns. This idea stimulates new geopolitical and national policy decisions in order to impact the perspective of billions of people (Vares and Persinger, 2015, p. 849). At the heart of the debate is the research question - whether the high CO2 levels cause global warming? The current climate science paradigm suggests high-temperature sensitivity to CO2 and predicts catastrophic changes in this sphere (Berry, 2016, p. 598). Therefore, the reliability of global warming should be proved. Due to the complexity of the analysis of global temperature changes, some scientists still do not recognize the global warming and consider it as a plausible hypothesis that needs to be proved (Bhattacharjee, 2010, p. 220). Thus, the background research and literature that have led the author to identify this problem and propose research to address it include reliable work of Berry (2016) and his climate change debate, information on climate change provided by NASA, article written by Flint (2014) on global …

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