Healthcare and Nursing Physician's Monitoring in Healthcare and Nursing
Problems 3 of Chapter 7 and Problem 1 Chapter 8
3. When I’ve been monitoring the length of stay of our physicians who discharge the patients from DRG 410, I’ve observed that the physical-cross tabulation that was used in that case for the Patient 1460 was less that
for the Patient 8210. For example, the loss of the Patient 1460 was 19 in total and the other one had 24. The principle diagnosis for the people with such a problem is shown in the “Encounter for the examinational following-up after the completed treatment for malignant neoplasm was provided”, “Encounter for the antineoplastic chemotherapy”, “Encounter for the antineoplastic immunotherapy” diagnosis of such a disease. It means that a nurse should understand that a secondary myeloid leukemia that is acute is a complication being followed by the chemotherapy for the osteogenic sarcoma. The exact drug offending may be difficult to prove it because of the absent of a consistent data. It develops usually for 2 years after the therapy was completed. The patient who had been treated with doxorubicin and cisplatin and a dose of methotreaxate is followed by the amputation or surgery. When eight months after the therapy was completed passed, while on the follow-up, the patient is presented with thrombocytopenia and leukocytosis being confirmed to have AML.
As to the stay of the patients, I think that this statistic is not significant because the Physician 8210 has a bigger number of LOS, that is why he could stay in the hospital longer. A deviation that is indicated in the Table 7-A.5 shows that a mean of the Physician 1460 was quite bigger in that case and Statistical Deviation is 5.812 that is also bigger than for the Patient 8210. As a result, it could be said that the Patient 1460 must be released firstly from hospital than a Patient 8210 because of his analysis and data of health (Pappo, 2014).
1. When assisting Dr. Hartman in studying the deaths number due to the acute myocardial infarctions, it was noticed that the statistics said that more men were dying from AMIs than women did. As it was showed in a Table 8-A.2 “Frequency Distribution of Discharges by Age and Gender, DRG 123 (SPSS Output)”, an age
of female people was lower than of men who had bad statistics. There were 7 deaths of men and only 2 of women in total. That is why, it should be admitted that the null hypothesis for the inferential statistics states as the general default position statement that there was no relationship between the two phenomena that was measured or any association that existed among different groups. When disproving or rejecting this null