"Incentives for Effective Corporate Governance" Dissertation Topic Proposal
The topic to be used in this case is; “Incentives for Effective Corporate Governance”
What would you like to know about this? / What do you find of interest about it?
In view of the fact that corporate governance determines the success or otherwise of companies, I would like to know the exact incentives that promote and provide for the same. Also, in the process of identifying the
factors needed for effective corporate governance that need to be inculcated, I will be able to learn and appreciate how companies are structured. In fact, the topic will make it possible for me to understand
how companies are formed and operated. I feel that knowledge in these fields will enable me to be a good leader in the future. All in all, I am of the understanding that the selected topic “incentives for effective corporate governance” outlines all the issues that I would like to know about corporate governance. Also, the point in issue captures my interests in life.
How might exploring this topic be of value?
The one thing that I find interesting about the topic is that it touches on the main tenets of corporate governance. In organizational contexts, the incentives used to steer progress and development are what distinguishes
one entity from the other. In reference to this, the topic is appropriate and of value to marketers, managers, and shareholders of companies. Fundamentally, the issues targeted in the topical discussion will enlighten
the mentioned parties as far as the proliferation of corporate governance is concerned.
What sources have you read/got and plan to read/get about the topic?
For now, I have found a total of five peer reviewed sources that will guide my research. The selection of the sources was influenced by the facts enumerated in them regarding the topic “Incentives for Effective Corporate
Governance”. They are listed below alphabetically:
1. Armstrong, Christopher S., et al. "Corporate governance, incentives, and tax avoidance." Journal of Accounting and Economics 60.1 (2015): 1-17.
2. Filatotchev, Igor, and Chizu Nakajima. "Corporate governance, responsible managerial behavior, and corporate social responsibility: organizational efficiency versus organizational legitimacy?." The Academy of Management Perspectives 28.3 (2014): 289-306.
3. Honoré, Florence, Federico Munari, and Bruno van Pottelsberghe de La Potterie. "Corporate governance practices and companies’ R&D intensity: Evidence from European countries." Research policy 44.2 (2015): 533-543.
4. Starbuck, William H. "Why corporate governance deserves serious and creative thought." The Academy of Management Perspectives 28.1 (2014): 15-21.
5. Jizi, Mohammad Issam, et al. "Corporate governance and corporate social responsibility disclosure: Evidence from the US banking sector." Journal of Business Ethics 125.4 (2014): …