Leadership and Management Mistakes example

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Leadership and Management Mistakes

Management mistakes

The aim of any project manager is to finish the project on time and do not overuse the required resources. However, it is the final aim. Any project is usually split into several gradual stages and successful completing of each of them on time could guarantee meeting a deadline. At the same time, project managers, as well as their subordinates, make a number of mistakes in the course of their activity. For instance, the subordinates may get the incorrect understanding of final goals as well as ways of conducting this or that action that could result in either overuse of the resources or in a failure to meet the deadline. On the other hand, managers may fail to focus on the vital stages of the project, put vague goals, and do not develop communication principles within all the workers involved in the project. Some mistakes are easy to fix while others may result in negative outcomes and even lead to death. This section of the paper argues that communication mistakes may be considered the most consequent since the lack of proper understanding of processes, methods, and goals may result in failure of the whole project. The section presents a real-life example of a communication mistake that occurred in UAE in the course of dealing with $137 million construction project and resulted in the death of several employees.

On the day before the tragedy, senior construction manager was preparing the list of operations for the workers for the next day. The main planned operation was to remove the platform from the seventeenth level of the tower in order to install stairs. Unfortunately, the construction engineer of the tower was absent on the day of planning and, for that reason, senior construction manager decided to inform verbally the charge hand about the list of operations. The charge hand, in turn, verbally informed the workers about the plans for the next day. This day was a holiday and many employees (including a foreman) were not present at work. However, in order to meet the deadline, it was necessary to work on that day. For that reason, the workers started removing the platform without a foreman supervision and, moreover, after only verbal instructions from the charge hand. In the course of the removal, the platform collapsed from the seventeenth to the level #7 and killed two workers (Issa, 2015). The analysis of the communication mistake is presented below.

Before the construction of the tower, the project manager developed a workable communication strategy, which consisted of the list of sequential actions for all the individuals involved in the project. Firstly, senior construction manager had to inform the safety department by a letter concerning a list of dangerous operations. Safety department, in turn, had to assign the task to the safety officer, who had to check the construction site and issue permission. After the approval, the safety officer had to maintain a supervision of the dangerous …

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