Life Cycle Portfolio Project
Stages of the Life Cycle:
Preconception is a stage of life that focuses on the period before a pregnancy occurs and development has not started1, 2. This previous stage of life concerns the parents mainly. In this stage, life events often include planning of a family. The parents tend to have the following health concerns: Infertility, poor nutrition and miscarriage 1, 2.
The peri-conceptional period takes from 1 month preconception to 3 months post conception2.
Primary Nutrition Issues:
The key nutrition issues in Preconception include the following: In the planning stages, fertility may be the main key issue, use of contraceptives, low weight and overweight2.
Nutrient of Concern:
Antioxidants, Zinc, Iron, folate.2
Nutrients with frequent inadequate intake include the following:
Nutrients frequently consumed to excess: -
Nutrients with frequent inadequate intake: zinc in males, antioxidants and iron in both males and females, folate in females2.
Recommended Intake for Reference Adult in Preconception:
Recommended energy intake: 2200 kcal3, 2.
Recommended protein intake: 44-46 g 3, 2.
Eating Tips and Guidelines for Preconception:
1. Lose or gain weight, if you are over- or under-weight, respectively. (Men and women) 2.
2. Avoid alcohol, no more than 2 servings per day (men) and 1 serving per day (women) 2.
3. Exercise moderately. (Men and women) 2.
1. – CDC. Accessed 26/04/2017
2. - Brown, J. E. Preconception Nutrition. In: Brown, J.E. Nutrition through the life cycle. 6th ed. Belmont, CA. Wadsworth. Cengage Learning. 2017.
3.- Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Nutritional Status During Pregnancy and Lactation. Nutritional Concerns of Women in the Preconceptional, Prenatal, and Postpartum Periods. In: Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Nutritional Status during Pregnancy and Lactation. Nutrition Services in Perinatal Care. 2nd ed. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US) 1992.
Pregnancy is the stage of life during which a woman carries a fetus inside of her1. Common life events in this stage include development of the fetus and physiological changes to the mother1. Pregnancy is divided into three trimesters1.
The following physiological changes occur during pregnancy: Changes to blood volume and composition, Increase in the amount of body water (from 7 to 10 L), swelling due to the accumulation of extracellular fluid, increase in maternal oxygen requirements. Also present are changes in GI function, hormone level increase (catabolic and anabolic) and heavy changes in protein, fat, mineral and carbohydrate metabolism2.
Pregnancy is divided into three trimesters.
Pregnant women tend to have the following health concerns: Feelings of heartburn, nausea, vomiting and constipation. Miscarriage and preterm delivery are also major concerns2.
Primary Nutrition Issues:
Some of the common issues faced during pregnancy are morning sickness, heartburn, constipation, pica and proper nutrition of the fetus2.
Nutrient of Concern:
Carbohydrates, Fats (EPA and DHA), Folate, alcoholic intake, vitamins (A and D), calcium, iodine, iron, choline, fluoride2.
Nutrients with frequent inadequate intake include the following:
Nutrients frequently consumed to excess: alcohol. 2
Nutrients with frequent inadequate intake: Iodine, carbohydrates, fats, folate, choline.2
Recommended Intake for Reference adult during pregnancy:
Recommended energy intake: 2500 kcal3
Recommended protein intake: 71 g 2
Eating Tips and Guidelines for pregnancy:
1. Take care of your weight gain, as being in recommended gain helps avoid delivery …