"Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy and Severe Antisocial Behavior in Offspring" example

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"Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy and Severe Antisocial Behavior in Offspring"

What are the main ideas in the article, how these factors related to the section on teratogens in the book?

Maternal smoking undoubtedly associate with severe antisocial behaviour in adolescent and adult offspring. The probability of developing antisocial behaviour for children of mothers who smoked during pregnancy are larger in approximately 1, 5 – 4 times than the offspring of non-smokers. Numerous factors can effect on child developing. For this reason an accurate estimate cannot be obtain. “Animal research has established that in utero exposure to nicotine has enduring effects on neural function” what indicates teratological effects on the developing baby’s nervous system. It is the fact that nicotine is one of the significant neurobehavioral teratogens, is biological reasoning of the causality between maternal smoking and antisocial behaviour. However, authors believe that conduct disorder is multifaceted social phenomena and cannot be proven by only cigarette smoke.

Social class, parental psychiatric history and quality of family environment are supposed as principal alternative explanations in the article.What are the "specificity" factors?

The estimation of the strength of the association between maternal smoking and antisocial behaviour can differ taking into account different factors.

For instance, “animal studies indicates that males are more vulnerable to negative effects of prenatal exposure to nicotine”. Hence, the value of the association may be different regarding the gender. It means that girls may be less effected by their mothers’ smoking during pregnancy. Also, the association depends on the number of cigarettes that women smoke during pregnancy. Such a dependence is obviously linear. Furthermore, all researchers have been cross-section. Consequently, “we do not know anything about the developmental progression of conduct symptoms in youths with prenatal exposure”.

Now, go to the YouTube sitehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oL2k5SMKrY4&feature=relatedIn at least two paragraphs, explain what you saw and the risk factors related to alcohol and pregnancy. Be specific.

The video shows how a baby jumps in the womb that was caused by maternal drinking during pregnancy.Alcohol drinking during pregnancy can make baby jump in the womb over all 9 months. Experts explain such an unusual behaviour as a result of retarding the central nervous system. The research of the professor from the Belfast University shows that there is no safe level of alcohol consumption during pregnancy. Even one glass of wine can lead to abnormal spasms in the womb. Alcohol has a serious effect on the formation of the baby’s central nervous system and mental development. The professor made a conclution that alcohol even at low levels have an effect on babies and it’s disturbing. This phenomenon called Fetal Alcohol Syndrome trust estimates that between 6000 to 12000 babies are effected in the UK each year. The proportion of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder may have developed as a result of their mothers’ drinking during pregnancy.The next step of the professor’s studying will be an observation how those babies go on …

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