Measuring Quality of Healthcare Discussion Posts example

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Measuring Quality of Healthcare Discussion Posts

Gaps in the quality of care and patient safety have led to the need for accountability in hospitals. Carrier & Cross (2013) suggest that this is through clinical quality and reporting of medical activities. Measurement of hospital quality focuses on how a hospital delivers care to patients. This is from the patient’s description f care and their interaction with the hospital. Larson (2005) argues that American public is not able to define the best and worst hospitals. Carrier & Cross (2013) hold a similar view to Larson (2005) that High-quality care entails keeping the breast with the changes in the industry.

Administrators must ensure hospitals are using the current technology and approaches to healthcare improvement. The practices trickle down management effect as Clinical quality is part of healthcare and is being provided through networks where patients are linked to high-quality hospitals. This has made employers to incorporate quality measures to improve efficiency in healthcare.


Carrier E & Cross D (April 2013). Hospital Quality Reporting: Separating the Signal from the Noise. NIHCR Policy Analysis No. 11.

Larson E. (2005). State-of-the-science–2004: time for a “no excuses/no tolerance” (NET) strategy. Am J Infect Control. 2005 Nov; 33(9):548–57.[PubMed]

Interpreting measures of infection

Dlugacz (2006) argues that data in healthcare settings for patient infection rates among surgical patients cannot be used to analyse infections since it’s not compatible with the cause-effect relationships. Sanghavi (2013) argues that medical care is complicated and standards are needed when measuring quality. The information is to be analysed in relation to departments, physicians, operation room or any other factor. Quality management databases store this data that can be used by leaders to analyse and communicate with other staff.

However practitioners are not seeking the answers to this infection rates but rather giving excuses which cannot improve the quality of care. Analysis of the database data will give a direction that research can focus on. Sanghavi (2013) suggests that quality surgery can be investigated from indicators like death, infection risks and leaving of stuff in patients bodies. This will help in analysing patterns of care and assessing quality measures.


Dlugacz, Yosef D. (9/22/2006). Measuring Health Care: Using Quality Data for Operational, Financial, and Clinical Improvement, 1st Edition. [VitalSource Bookshelf Online].

Sanghavi Darshak(2013) How to Report on Health Care Quality Resources: Lessons From The Field. Centre for Health Journalism. Retrieved from Download Full Essay Show full preview


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