Research Summary Paper example

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Research Summary Paper

1. In point form summarizes the methods used.

A) Who were the participants?


How many?

102 children with their parents

What age?

7 months

B) What did the participants have to do?

The infants (participants) participated in the six different joy-eliciting episodes and their emotional responses were observed and recorded as the data for the research.

C) What were they measuring or trying to find out about development?

Emotional reactions

D) What tools did they use to measure participants? (If applicable)

Using emotion- eliciting stimuli, children’s joy responses were observed in six different scripted episodes and those natural responses were recorded using scaled ratings. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) approach and temperament questionnaires -Infant Behavior Questionnaire (IBQ) were utilized for the research.

E) What was the main thing that they found out?

By analyzing the naturalistic responses of infants’ towards three joy-eliciting episodes including social-interactive component and another three with non-social interactive component, the research found out that, social joy alone was linked with children’s positive emotional response.

2. Write a sentence in your own words summarizing the major findings (include citation).

The study conclusively establishes the heterogeneity in the joy responses of infants which encompasses the social and non-social components. The research also demonstrates the evidence of external validity of two factors such as the social and non-social joy. Analysis of the naturalistic responses of infants’ towards six joy-eliciting episodes of the research reveal that, social joy alone is strongly linked with children’s positive emotional responses observed during the parent-infant interaction and no such association was established in the case of non-social joy(Aksan, &Kochanska, 2004).



In the research study- ‘Heterogeneity of Joy in Infancy’, the researchers analyze the emotional responses of the 7 month old infants in six different joy-educing episodes (Aksan, &Kochanska, 2004). By analyzing the naturalistic responses of infants’ towards three joy-eliciting episodes including social-interactive component and another three with non-social interactive component the research found out that, social joy alone was linked with children’s affirmative emotional response. One hundred and two infants of and their parents participated in the research. Three of the episodes were designed to include a social- interaction factor and the other three episodes were having a non-social interaction component. The research employed the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) approach and the two factors utilized includes the responses of the participants in the social interactions and the responses of the infants in the non-social interactions. The social joy which was elicited during interaction with their parents were found to be greatly associated with the affirmative emotional quality. The research also highlights the fact that the that the social joy can be an forebear of future affirmative and positive emotional characteristics of the children which is associated with the collective as well as interpersonal …

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