Revolution of the British Birth Control Policy example

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Revolution of the British Birth Control Policy

The quotation “Abortion is no longer taboo, and as young women don’t have to live with their parents until they meet a husband, everything can be conducted without the knowledge of Mum and Dad” supports the idea that the revolution in terms of the birth control policy has produced a significant impact on the attitude to an unwanted pregnancy, as well as enhanced the means of its prevention. The history of the birth control, including the emergence of the contraceptive pill, aborting and withdrawal method are differently viewed by various religions and cultures, though are still employed by females all over the world. Although women are redirecting their focus from the contraceptive pills, Britain’s birth control policy has not only protected women’s reproductive rights but also controlled population growth in the world.

Historical Context

The history of birth control is distinguished by the rich history and numerous changes, bills, and acts introduced during 1960-1980 In Great Britain and other countries of the world. The outcomes of the ignored report of the Royal Commission on Population published in 1949 became apparent in 15 years. The rejection of the document resulted in the rapid growth of the population in Great Britain. The population of the country has reached 100.000 that was one of the highest projections for that year published by the Commission’s Statistics Committee. Such a tendency could lead to further increase of the population up to 63 million by the end of the century, meaning that 16 million emerge in the timeframe of fewer than 40 years. The demographic explosion is dangerous not only to Great Britain but many other parts of the world as well, as such changes in the population produce a negative impact on the social and economic aspects of the countries. As a result, the issue of oral methods of contraception, considered to be one of the possible means assisting in the prevention of the further population growth, becomes acute all over the world.

According to the data received from Our Special Correspondent, two million of women in the United States where the population rate exceeded the one of Great Britain, were using this method of contraception during the 1960s. Australia made no exception, as more than 100.000 women there were using these methods in order to prevented unwanted pregnancy. Regarding the looming negative effect the churches of Lambeth Conference also supported the use of the methods of contraception control, as it assists parent in the planned parenthood. On the contrary, the position of Roman Catholics remains blurred, as they support the idea of planned parenthood but, at the same time they chastise the methods that are employed, due to the fact that they are artificial and contradict the theological conventions.

Role of Clinics and Abortion in the History of Birth Control

Clinics represented the main source of the information helping the patients needing advice for medical reasons. About 118 clinics provided by 37 local health …

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