Smoking Advertisement is Bad example

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Smoking Advertisement is Bad

Despite anti-smoking campaigns, pro-smoking advertisements are still widely present in media and retail stores. These advertisements increase the number of people smoking, especially among youth. A 2013 study revealed that one cigarette advertisement increases a person’s desire to smoke by 22%. Pro-smoking message does not disappear in a few minutes or several days. A survey of 134 students (both smokers and non-smokers) aged 18-24 considered exposure to pro-smoking messages. It revealed that as students saw such ads, they had greater intention to smoke. They were also less able to refuse from smoking when such an offer as made. In fact, though the students’ urge for nicotine decreased every day after seeing a pro-smoking ad, it did not fully disappear until a week later (Murray). In this regard, pro-smoking ads make people want to smoke and thus, can encourage them to buy and smoke cigarettes.

Pro-smoking ads manipulate people’s conscientiousness. These ads strongly rely on psychological manipulation. They depict smoking as fostering success. In particular, ads use the images of prestige, power, glamour, vitality, and sex appeal. Thus, they create a positive connection between smoking and “good life.” In this case, there can be no conscious reasoning. Pro-smoking ads raise unconscious but powerful desire that is not weighed against a person’s best interests. Herewith, manipulation and deception is especially aimed at minors, including youth. Ads appeal to their lifestyles and aspirations. Thus, they attract new smokers and ensure a long-term consumption for cigarette producers. Manipulation may even go as far as saying “If you're not an adult, don’t smoke” (Andre and Velasquez).

Pro-smoking manipulations also include TV-shows depicting smoking. Though such depiction is not a direct advertisement, it enhances smoking among youth (Bellum). Pro-smoking ad by Brittany Smith provides a good example of such ads’ negative effect. The ad manipulates youth’s consciousness in several ways. First of all, the ad claims that smoking can reduce stress: “Keep It Cool.” It also shows a young, attractive, and stylish woman smoking. Hence, the ad appeals to young people and makes smoking seem “cool” and popular (Bellum). It promises teenagers popularity, prestige, and sexual appeal through smoking. On the whole, apart from direct text message, this pro-smoking ad manipulates teenagers and youth through developing a visual image of success achieved through smoking. As this visual manipulation affects youth’s perceptions and forms behavioral stereotypes, it can be even more influential and important than the claim that smoking reduces stress.

Ads do not make people smoke but may encourage them to switch brands. Few teenagers claim advertising was the major reason they started smoking. Herewith, images portray real people while also putting the Surgeon General’s warning across every ad. Pro-smoking ads use general marketing rules, just like other industries (Andre and Velasquez). In addition, some research studies do not find connection between pro-smoking ads and smoking rates. National studies of tobacco advertising that are based on quarterly and annual national aggregate expenditure on advertising show that …

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