The Delegation of Authority example

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The Delegation of Authority

Delegating is a means by which management allocates among employees countless tasks that must be performed to achieve the objectives of the organization. If the essential problem is not delegated to another person, the head will be forced to carry it himself. This, of course, in many cases it is simply impossible, because the time is limited and managerial skills. More important is the fact that the essence of management is the ability to "get the job done the other." Therefore, in the true sense of the word, it is an act of delegation, which turns a man into a leader.

The delegation of authority takes place in three stages:

Stage I - the individual employee assignment of specific tasks;

Stage II - the provision of appropriate powers and resources subordinate;

Stage III - the formulation of subordinate obligations to perform their assigned tasks.

Delegation of authority has a number of positive points:- Head relieved from routine work and gets the time to deal with creative issues;- The delegation of authority is a form of staff development and helps to maximize the use of their knowledge and experience;- Delegating is a great incentive to the employees, who are beginning to feel themselves masters of the areas of work, encourages initiative, teaches self-sufficiency and to prepare people to move to higher positions.The delegation, despite its fundamental importance, is one of the most misunderstood and misused concepts of management. Not fully understanding the need to delegate or what is required for the growth of its efficiency; many brilliant entrepreneurs have failed at a time when their company gets bigger. To only get closer to understanding how to effectively implement the delegation - need to understand the related concepts of responsibility and organizational powers.Delegation is based on the authority and responsibility.

Responsibility - a commitment to the employee to perform tasks delegated to it and be responsible for their satisfactory solution.Because responsibility is a commitment that an individual worker assumes, then he cannot delegate or his subordinate. An employee who is responsible for solving any problem is not obliged to perform it in person, but he will remain responsible for the satisfactory (unsatisfactory) shutdown.Under the commitment, we understand what is expected from the individual performance of specific operational requirements, when it occupies a position in the organization. In fact, the individual enters into a contract with the organization to perform the tasks of the post in exchange for a fee.

Responsibility means that the employee is responsible for the results of the task in front of those delegated powers. Since the work is considered to be responsible for the accurate execution of the task, the chief has the right to demand explanations or correcting bad work done.It is important to realize that the delegation is realized only in the event of authority.In large organizations, senior management rarely communicates with employees at lower levels who actually do most of the …

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