The Effects of Alcohol on Developing Fetus Outline example

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The Effects of Alcohol on Developing Fetus Outline

1. Introduction

1.1 The reason to choose the topic (maternal drinking has important and far reaching consequences for the society).

1.2. Significance of alcohol in the society (western drinking culture and traditions)

1.3 Maternal alcohol drinking during pregnancy

1.4 Alcohol toxicity to humans: increased mortality rate.

2. Public and consumer interest in the topic

2.1 Negative effects of alcohol on fetus (fetal alcohol syndrome, alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder)

2.2 Children born with FAS place additional burden on the public health system.

2.3. Social problems for drinking mothers

3. Pros and cons

Pros: negative effects of alcohol on developing fetus, implications for the society and public health system.

Cons: other factors (differences in maternal metabolism and genetical susceptibility to alcohol) may reduce the effect of alcohol on fetus.

4. Own opinion

Strongly against maternal drinking while pregnant (this is based on the scientific evidence provided).

5. Conclusion

Maternal drinking is a serious concern both for the mother and for the society.

Interventions to combat the problem: school based adolescent’s education, increasing legal drinking age, increasing price for the alcohol, making alcohol difficult to …

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