The Prophet Muhammad's Role in The Battle of Badr example

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The Prophet Muhammad's Role in The Battle of Badr

Prophet Muhammad - Introduction

Prophet Muhammad or Abū al-Qāsim Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib ibn Hāshim to spell his name completely is almost universally acknowledged as the founder of Islam. In Islamic tradition he is also recognized as the last prophet of God. According to Islamic sources, Muhammad was born in Mecca. Muhammad was born in the family of Banu Hashim, a branch of the Quraysh who ruled Mecca during the time. Muhammad was sent into the desert as a very young child, and as per Islamic belief he was visited by angels there. Muhammad grew up to be very good looking and generous. As he grew older, he became more and more inclined towards prayer and often left the city to go to the desert to pray. It was in a cave named Hira when at the age of 40, when as per Islamic belief Muhammad felt the presence of the angel Gabriel, and thus the first revelation of the verses of Quran happened. Shortly, he received a 2nd revelation. As per Islamic belief, Gabriel appointed Muhammad as the messenger of God. This process of revelation is said to have lasted 23 years. Muhammad spread his message gradually- first to his family, then to his friends and then after three years to a larger audience. This was the message of Islam, and some people began to slowly embrace the Muslim region or the faith Muhammad preached. He did face severe opposition from members of his tribe, and a major part of the Quraysh were vehemently opposed to him. The Battle of Badr was a conflict between the followers of Muhammad and the Quraysh and is regarded by many as the most significant battle in Islamic history, one that paved the way for the spread of Islam throughout the world.

Events leading to the Battle of Badr

Due to the strong opposition of the Quraysh towards the spread of the Muslim region, an enmity steadily grew between Muhammad’s followers and the Quraysh. The Quraysh assaulted Muslims, persecuted them wrongly for crimes and confiscated their property. However, Muhammad did not want to engage the Quraysh in any armed conflict till they attacked the Medinan community, which Muhammad believed was the future of Islam. Once this happened it is said that Muhammad had another Quranic revelation- “Permission to fight is granted to those against whom war is made, because they have been wronged, and God indeed has the power to help them. They are those who have been driven out of their homes unjustly only because they affirmed: Our Lord is God” (22:39–40). Muslims saw this as a signal from the almighty to wage war against the Quraysh. It was in the year 624 AD, that an army of 1000 Quraysh marched against the Medinan community who had an army of 313 Muslims. This battle is famous in Islamic history as the battle of Badr.

Battle of Badr- summary

Before the march of the Quraysh …

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