U.S. Constitution: Amendments 11-27 example

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U.S. Constitution: Amendments 11-27

The United States of America is a unique democratic country. Their constitution was adopted in 1789, but Americans are not afraid to modify it or change some articles in their supreme law to make life better, easier and more accurate. A series of changes to US Constitution are known as Amendments. The first amendment was ratified in 1791, while the latest was ratified only in 1992. Some of these changes are quite outdated in modern days, and some of them are not actual. In my personal opinion, after the latest presidential elections, when according to Friedmann, the decision of the United States Electoral College was different from the decision of the majority of US citizens, the 12th Amendment to the US Constitution should be changed.

Originally the 12th Amendment was submitted in 1803 and ratified in 1804. This Amendment revised the presidential election procedures in the United States. The original instruction for the presidential election was published in the Second Article, Section One of US Constitution. But after several major issues during the 1796 and 1800 elections, the procedure should have changed. So, according to 12th Amendment, the President and Vice-President of the United States will be elected by special Electoral College.

I suppose that modern development of technologies allows making the whole country elections, where the future President will be elected with the help of every citizen, despite the election of the small privileged group of Electoral Colleagues. The recent minor differences between citizen’s and Electoral College’s vision of future president shows the imperfection of this system. Maybe modern American society is quite conservative, so the new changes could be rather controversial. I suppose that a presidential election is an important event for the entire American nation, so the final decision should be the most precise, and made by voting of every citizen instead of voting of Electoral College.

Works Cited

Friedmann, Sarah. "Will The Twelfth Amendment Be Invoked In 2016? Donald Trump's Electoral College Majority Makes It Unlikely". Bustle.Com, 2017, …

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