"Why I would like to leave my army national guard unit and join the (Inactive Reserve)" Personal Statement example

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"Why I would like to leave my army national guard unit and join the (Inactive Reserve)" Personal Statement

Dear Sir,

This letter aims to inform you about my strong intention to leave the Army National Guard unit and join the Inactive National Guards. This decision is not contemplated out of disdain, but of actual valid reasons, which I will list below.

As you might already know, I have been serving in transitioning unit since March of 2012 and throughout these years I managed to get a college degree. However, I didn’t receive it with the Federal assistance, not with the military benefits as it’s supposed to be. Now, I am a mercenary person, and my duty was not for the sake of the selfish goals, but of the experience and diligence that it gave me. However, being educated in life is extremely crucial, and military benefit failed to help me in this sphere.

The reason for me not being able to enjoy the military benefit was proclaimed to be physical fitness test, which I couldn’t pass successfully due to several leg and back injuries I received during my service. It’s so unfortunate to receive them because during 6 years I could get neither promotion, nor education because of not passing the physical test.

Another motive that makes me think of Inactive Forces is the fact that I apparently lose out in job opportunities, because only small number of companies are willing to give a person time-off based on military reasons, especially when he is an important asset.

I sincerely hope for your understanding and that this letter will convince you to transit me into Inactive National Guards.

Looking forwards for hearing from you,

Regards, …

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