Application of the Internet of Things: Annotated Bibliography
Source #1
Website Title: How People Are Actually Using the Internet of Things
Authors: H. James Wilson, Baiju Shah, and Brian Whipple
Date accessed: December 4, 2016
Publication/last updated year: 2015
Content of site
The authors of the article argue that while companies that develop the Internet of Things (IoT) have been largely focusing on the industrial use of IoT for the last years, the new trend tends to highlight application of IoT for individual purposes. Relying on their research, Wilson, Shah, and Whipple define four key categories in which IoT is steadily developing now. Technology that extends security is the most popular field of application of IoT as people are eager to pay for technology solutions which ensure safety of their homes, such as surveillance cameras and motion sensors. Second most widespread category involves devices which quantify the self, including apps that track daily activity, measure physical characteristics and evaluate sleep patterns. The third field consists of services which optimize the machines which people already own, such as heaters, air-conditioners, as well as other devices. The last category of IoT described by the authors is technology which enhances daily experiences and helps to solve routine every-day tasks. Thus, the scientists conclude that individual IoT services will continue to gain popularity.
The article is useful for analysing application of the Internet of Things because it provides comprehensive information on the use of IoT for individual purposes. The source is trustworthy as the article is published in Harvard Business Review, a reliable magazine owned by the Harvard University, and is backed by the quantitative research because the authors analysed approximately 1,000 IoT devices and 279,000 early adopter interactions with IoT. The article is written in an objective, neutral style and thus is not biased or advertising.
Reasons for use
The topic of the research is the Internet of Things, while this annotated bibliography concentrates on application of IoT in different fields. Therefore, as the source provides a classification of IoT application and describes different examples of it, it is extremely useful for this study.
Source #2
Title of article: Internet of Things: Vision, Applications and Research challenges
Authors: Daniele Miorandi, Sabrina Sicari, Francesco De Pellegrini, and Imrich Chlamtac
Journal Title: Ad Hoc Networks
Year of publication: 2012Page Numbers: 1497-1516
Volume no: 10Issue no: 7
Content article
In this article, the authors provide comprehensive research in the Internet of Things, analysing it as the concept and exploring its challenges, potential security problems, related initiatives, as well as application of IoT. Writing about application, the scientists argue that IoT can get the reputation of “innovation enabler in a variety of application markets” (p. 1509). The researchers divide application of IoT into six key categories: smart homes, smart cities, environmental monitoring, health care, smart business, security and surveillance. Application of IoT in smart homes and security and surveillance may increase the effectiveness of energy consumption, as well as improve everyday life of its inhabitants and provide essential security to them detecting suspicious activity. Smart cities involve advanced systems of …