"California Doctors Again Press For More Money To Treat Poor Patients." by Barbara Feder Ostrov example

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"California Doctors Again Press For More Money To Treat Poor Patients." by Barbara Feder Ostrov

The article penned by Barbara F. Ostrov depicts the economic issues related to healthcare delivery to low-income population prevailing in the state of California. One-third of the state’s population receives medical care under the low-income health program. The doctors and dentists urge to receive more money for the treatment of Medicaid patients. Their demand seems justifiable in light of the fact that California’s Medi-Cal rates are lower as compared to 45 other states. On the other hand, the Governor of the state deferred from making a raise for them. Instead, he proposed in the budget that the estimated $ 1.2 million from Proposition 56 would be embarked to cover the overall costs of the low-income health program. The California Medical Association and the California Dental Association do not approve the budget; senior vice president of the former professional body stated that the budget proposal does not follow voters’ will. The release of a revised budget is awaited in May, and would address the case of spending tobacco tax money. Governor’s budget spokesman hinted that state lawmakers’ budget priorities could raise the rates for healthcare providers.

What would be the best way to spend the additional revenue accumulated from the new tobacco tax passed by the voters in November?

What could be other areas in which additional ax could be levied in order to raise money for providing healthcare to individuals who fall under the category of low-income in California?

Physicians, nurses, and other allied health professionals from the United States provide volunteer services overseas as humanitarian aid. If each of them were to devote one hour of their service every week, the issue would be lessened to a great extent. How could they be motivated to provide an hour of free services per week in their local communities?

Works Cited

Ostrov, Barbara Feder. "California Doctors Again Press For More Money To Treat Poor Patients." California Healthline. California Health Care Foundation, 30 Mar. 2017. Web. 8 Apr. …

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