Call Management System
Public Authority for Civil Defence (PACDA) provides many services for the public as well as the response for emergency cases and particular incidents, namely the fire, land rescue (people stuck in elevators, buildings, or vehicles) and water rescue operations, as well as the ambulance and trauma cases, and other hazardous incidents.
PACDA includes the Call Management System (CMS) which is an integrated analysis and reporting solution that keeps people virtually in touch with everything what is going on in the contact centre. Also, CMS evaluates the performance of the civil defence teams managing the calls in all centres in Oman.
The increase of the efficiency of PACDA Call Centre can be reached by optimisation of its performance through the new online system. The service levels and the efficiency of operations centres can be enhanced through monitoring and reporting the response times across the PACDA Call Centre.
Important Points:
Call Centre/Operation Room Roll :
Responsible for receiving calls and entering data into the software by using Serial Number for each call, dividing the calls into Fair, Land Rescue, Water Rescue, and Ambulance, and the subsequent transferring of the call to the appropriate team that will deal with it.
Statistics Department Roll :
Responsible for issuing the statistics report (Table & Chart) of the program and analysing all calls to provide the managers with the respective data.
Chapter – 1
1.1 Rationale for Selecting the Project
Public Authority for Civil Defence covers various locations of Oman people who make calls for emergency reasons. These reasons comprise hazards like earthquakes and floods, as well as fire accidents, road accidents, chemical emergencies, and terrorism.
The current system is functioning on the Windows-based application, and the public profiles that contain particular data and details about the people are manually managed by the workers of the Public Authority for Civil Defence. It is difficult to track the reason for the call, as well as its details. Once the call or email is received, the ambulance facility is arranged to receive the rescued person and transfer her to the hospital. The details about the affected person will be stored in the database.
The current system manages various types of disaster. When there is an earthquake which always happens suddenly and without warning, people start calling at any time and from any location of Oman. The calls should be registered in the system and the Ministry of Civil Defence should inform people about the possible safe locations. Concerning the flash floods from the heavy rains that last several hours, the weather forecasters should inform people and alert the defence teams.
The vehicle accident can happen anytime on the road, and when people are trying to make the emergency calls, sometimes their mobile cannot reach the Civil Defence office and it becomes difficult to transmit the information. This reason requires the web-based service to store the call details and send the updated information on e-mail or mobiles of people. The new system …