Categories: Business & Economics / Business Etiquette example

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Categories: Business & Economics / Business Etiquette

Who – Ann Marie Sabath.

What – Practical Tips for Business Ethics.

Where – In any company.

When – The information is up-to-date.

Why – Many people all over the world face issues connected to first impression.

The book written by Ann Marie Sabath, an expert of international and cross-cultural relations, provides users with a precise insight into the world of business ethics. It has a particular value for those who are striving to improve the personal qualities and skills, which have a direct impact on the process of business making. Therefore, I recommend the first chapter of the book to everyone who feels that he meets certain barriers while making the first steps towards new business contacts. Have you ever felt that the first impression you create on your future partners is wrong? If so, the purpose of this chapter is to give you practical tips on how to change that. I’ve faced this problem several times in my life, therefore, I realize that the issue has to be exterminated.

There are dozens of books, which address the topic of business ethics and international relations. However, I recommend the book of Ann Marie Sabath as it provides PRACTICAL tips for those in need. The first chapter is up to the point and is relieved of unnecessary information. You should give only one business card to your contact— rather than leaving two or three (Sabath, 2010). If you have any questions concerning the first handshake or exchange of business cards – this chapter is for you.


Sabath, A. M. (2010). Business Etiquette: 101 Ways to Conduct Business with Charm and Savvy. Franklin Lakes, NJ: Career …

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