Components of Research example

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Components of Research

Making a difference in the lives of others is a core aspect of every individual taking part in the research. Conducting the research every person is aiming at providing useful and beneficial results. To ensure the successful outcomes it is important to acquire certain skills, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, decision-making, proficiency, experience, and professional knowledge. The relationship between research and social change is quite tight as almost every research contributes to the changes in life processes and activities. There are specific components of the research that ensure the effectiveness and productiveness in certain fields of testing and examination.

The most significant parts of the research are survey designs, interview designs, experimental designs, archival designs, naturalistic and participant observations designs (Vogt & Haeffele, 2012). In healthcare and nursing research place a significant role to improve the patient care, treatment, health conditions of patients, prevent diseases and advance the healthcare in general. At some point research is a philosophy of making a change. It requires the proper method and approach. Nursing knowledge and experience are very important to provide the instructions and assessments, discuss strength and weaknesses, and understand the alignment of research methods to facilitate proper outcomes. The choice of alignment of the components is a vital criteria to ensure the potential benefits and professional development.

The knowledge acquired during the course provides an opportunities to design and conduct the research that is dedicated to positive social change. For example, the nurses are the key participants to fight against marginalization. The correct approach to the research may help to provide effective results. The research will have to start from the survey of the marginalized individuals and the interview of the people from the very significant cases that ended up in arguments or in court. Also, the research will have to include the experiments and the literature study to offer the educational material to health care providers to prevent marginalization. To conduct a research it is necessary to determine goals and objectives, or problems and issues to investigate. Thus, it will be easier to indicate the right approach. Another important application of the research in nursing will be the stigma and discrimination of the mental illness (Corrigan, 2005). Discriminating behaviors start from stereotypes. In order to study the emotional reactions, stigma, and social attributions it is important to properly align the components of research. Signaling events is the major aspect of the research, as it helps to recreate the real life experiences of individuals with mental illness and not rely on the videotapes and narratives.

The alignment of components of the research depends on data evaluation and a responsible and amenable approach. The positive social change indicates the transformation when the results of the research provide positive outcomes. This may impact the family systems, individual values, organizations and institutions, and the functionality of the facilities. In my opinion, the purpose of the research should be the most significant aspect to ensure the alignment between the …

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