Essay essays

All Results (54)
The Link Between Pornography & Rape
The Link between Pornography and Rape Pornography could be defined as form of media showing “sexual activity or nudity that is explicit and has sexual arousal as its main purpos...
2 pages / 600 words
Uploaded: 15 April 2016
USA Government Discussion
USA Government Discussion The traditional developments of the United States Constitution involve a series of events, rules and laws in English history error that gave rise to h...
1 page / 300 words
Uploaded: 14 April 2016
American Government Letter
American Government Letter To the Editor, People’s Chronicle Magazine Alma, Missouri. RE: CREATING PUBLIC AWARENESS ABOUT HUMAN R...
2 pages / 600 words
Uploaded: 14 April 2016
The Role of Punishment and Desire to Restore Justice
The Role of Punishment and Desire to Restore Justice In the modern society there is no agreement concerning punishment, its role and effectiveness. There are people who deny ...
6 pages / 1800 words
Uploaded: 03 December 2015


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