Future Emerging Threats example

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Future Emerging Threats Essay

A myriad of threats to humanity's future remains understudied while at the same time, projecting a sense of fatalism and powerlessness about them. There are three most significant future threats to the survival of human beings as well other species. Firstly, the issue of climate change is a threat to global food security. Food production is susceptible to climate change and air pollution thereby, it implicates on world food production. In this regard, Ozone regulation and climate change adaptation are unique strategies necessary for safeguarding food production. Notably, only a little information is available to show the correlation between Ozone pollution and food production affecting agriculture. Moreover, it is not clear to identify the relative effectiveness of the mentioned activities for different regions and crops.

The second most significant threat is the Bio-engineered pandemics. Statistics reveal that epidemics have caused more human deaths than wars. Due to technological advances, scientists can now make congenital diseases more severe. For instance, the introduction an additional gene in Mouse Pox made the virus more lethal such that it would infect vaccinated individuals. A more recent example entails the discovery that the bird flu virus contagiousness can be deliberately be boosted. Currently, there are minimal chances that people can carefully release devastating pre-engineered viruses. As technology gets cheaper and easier more groups are likely to make the diseases worse.

Super intelligence can also be perceived as a future threat. Despite intelligence being powerful, it can lead to devastating results in the future. The existence of every living organism depends on human decisions and being smart serves as an advantage for individuals and organizations. Also, intelligence aids in the invention of vital tools necessary for survival. The problem is experienced when intelligent entities fail to achieve the intended goals, this way they use their power to achieve undesirable ends cleverly. What is more, it is hard to explain issues to an artificial intelligence since there are philosophical and practical problems involved. Super intelligence may speed up technology making it difficult for society to handle.


Bostrom, Nick. Superintelligence: Paths, dangers, strategies. OUP Oxford, 2014.

Tai, Amos PK, Maria Val Martin, and Colette L. Heald. "Threat to future global food security from climate change and ozone air pollution." Nature Climate Change 4, no. 9 (2014): 817-821.

Hasan, Rakibul. "Biological Weapons: covert threats to Global Health Security." Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies 2, no. 9 …

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