“Hire That Facebook Party Animal” by Emma Teitel Article Review example

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“Hire That Facebook Party Animal” by Emma Teitel Article Review

In the article “Hire That Facebook Party Animal” Emma Teitel focuses on such an up-to-date issue on the job market as firing people because of their discreditable pictures in social networks. The author based her assumptions about the problem on a recent study by psychology researchers at North Carolina State University.

She also exemplified this viewpoint by a current incident of firing a great teacher from Georgia high school, caused by a picture of the teacher with beer making its way onto Facebook. The main message the journalist is trying to convey is that employers, on her opinion supported by the research results, do not hire candidates because of pictures and text references to alcohol or fire them for the same reason “at their own peril” (para. 4). More specifically, the objective of Teitel’s article is to draw the public attention to the fact that potential employees who go clubbing on a regular basis and spent some time at bars of in other entertaining institutions prove to be the most talented people.

The journalist argues that bias, based on screening by employers social activities should be referred to as to totally unacceptable. The tendency of firing people, as well as preventing them from getting new jobs, because of cyber prohibition becomes even more wide spread. That is why the topic of the article is extremely relevant on the job market nowadays. Teitel’s comprehensive approach to the issue proves to be a ground source for further studies of the issue.


Teitel, E. (2013). Hire that Facebook party animal - Macleans.ca. Retrieved 18 October 2015, from Download Full Essay Show full preview


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