"School-to-work transition..." Article Review
According to Renn et. al., (2014), students who are about to graduate from the college are the ideal targets for the mentor career support programs in different institutions of higher learning. Before reading the article, one may think that the authors intend to examine the importance of mentor career support programs in colleges. The audience of the article is the university students who are about to graduate and the college managements that may initiate career mentorship in colleges.
To support their arguments, the authors of the article did carry out research. For instance, to ascertain the relationship between the mentor career support and student career planning, the authors did carry a survey to get responses from students who received career mentorship before graduation. The students did receive career mentorship from business professionals through the college career mentorship program. The results of the research help to provide factual information that finds out that career mentorship relates positively to the intentions of the graduates to search for jobs and planning of their future career. The authors did establish that career mentorship relates negatively to the students' self-efficacy in the job search (Renn et. al., 2014). Thus the student's determination to search for a job does not depend on the career mentorship. Notably, the authors of the article define self-efficacy as the self- determination of a graduate to search for a job. Moreover, the article is well-researched because it uses the research methodology of the survey, presents findings and conclusions in a logical manner. For instance, the research is arranged starting from Highlights, Abstract, keywords, methods, results to conclusions and finally references.
The article provides well -stated conclusions that are relevant to the target audience. For example, the research concludes that career mentorship influence graduates to further their studies in their career while looking for specific jobs in their field of specialization (Renn et. al., 2014). Notably, the article is objective to point out the relationships between career mentorship and the career planning and job search intentions. The research is simple and straight to the point to allow the audience to understand the subject of study, the findings, and the conclusions. However, the article fails to consider the methods to improve self- efficacy among graduates who fail to receive mentorship in career planning.The article is accessible on School-to-work transition: Mentor career support and student career planning, job search intentions, and self-defeating job search behavior.
Renn, R. Steinbauer, R., Taylor, R., & Detwiler, D. (2014). School-to-work transition: Mentor career support and student career planning, job search intentions, and self-defeating job search behavior. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 85(3), 422-432. Download Full Essay Show full preview