How to Protect the Environment in the Consumer Society? example

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How to Protect the Environment in the Consumer Society?

Consumer lifestyle leads to the predatory waste of resources, which are obviously limited. The constant need of the modern society to consume leads to faster turnover of goods. The consumer society squander resources and thus, turns into an enemy of the environment. Therefore, the predictions of scientists about the impeding environmental catastrophe are totally reasonable. People continue to waste resources in favor of their excessive needs and this process harms the environment. However, there are some ways for people to protect the environment in circumstances of consumerism. In order to help to protect the environment people should be environmentally conscious, look for organic products, conserve natural resources as far as it is possible and always think of a potential damage their action can make to the environment.

Clearly, a one’s man action can not save the entire planet, but small things eventually all together form something bigger, which can effect the planet and ecology. Therefore, if every person follows some simple guides in their consuming in order to reduce the adverse human impact on the environment, their common effort will have positive result. One of the simplest things people can do to that effect is to give preference to organic products over inorganic ones (Bennett). They are safer for the planet and will not damage environment, while inorganic products can bring a lot of problems to ecology.

Another thing, which can be done, is the rejection of plastic. Micro granules of plastic are present in toothpaste, scrubs and other cleaning products. They are too small to be filtered out by those kinds of treatment available right now, so that, eventually, they pollute oceans and marine animals ingest them (Bennett). However, they are not the products of first necessity and can be replaced by the alternative ones without plastic present in their composition, which are much more friendly for the environment. Sorting the trash is also helpful in the environment protection and it can be done by everybody. It is helpful in terms of utilization and recycling, which are the indispensable elements of environmentally conscious lifestyle (Bennett). Moreover, anybody can contribute to the environment protection movement in the local area they live in. Public action on tree planting, volunteer programs for waste collection in parks and a lot of similar activities aimed at the improvement of environment are the examples.

Another important action, which can contribute to the general protection of environment is protection of resources (Bennett). Anybody can reduce energy consumption by turning off all appliances while not using them, or reduce water consumption by taking shower instead of bath, turning off the water while brushing teeth, etc. These small actions are really helpful in the protection of resources.

Therefore, some little steps should be done by people to contribute to the protection of environment in the age of consumerism in order to reduce its damage to nature.

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Online sources

Bennett, Michael. “Ways to help protect …

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