Individual In Society example

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Individual In Society

Nowadays people focus more on themselves, their family and close friends in our society. The growth of mobile technology and social networks at times increases the informational load per individual several times. Even staying at home, it is possible to know all the news of distant friends or events occurring in another country.

Eventually the main role of the individual in society has changed. Specialists Lehmann et al. (2012) wrote “…the position of the individual in modern society became the central” (p.3). It is much easier to maintain own individuality in modern society, but on the other hand, people forget about the presence of public interests. Every individual must take responsibility for its obligations before society in order to influence the decision of global social problems at least minimally. For example, to vote in the elections, to participate in at least one public organization and not be afraid to express own ideas in the information space.

Possibly if people embrace a sense of common purpose and public spirit focused on the collective good, they can be more active in solving the social problems. As a rule, lack of awareness of the individual and its inactivity contribute to the emergence and widening of the social problems.The era of market economy brings the consumption of the population to the forefront. Nowadays the majority of people focus on their private pursuits and a market mentality. If you compare the benefits to society that the individual can bring and the volume of its consumption, you can see that there is no equality. People work in order to provide for themselves at a certain life level (food, clothing, tourism, etc.) or in other words, to provide a particular level of consumption.

The balance between private responsibility and role of every individual in the public sphere is a sign of developed, economically and politically healthy society. For example, Sternheimer (2013) wrote: “…something that may be bad for the individual can be multiplied many times over and thus becomes a social problem” (p.103). Thus, the larger social problems are in the country, the larger gap is in the above balance.

Works Cited

Luhmann, N., & Barrett, R. (2012). Theory of society. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.

Sternheimer, K. (2013). Connecting social problems and popular culture: Why media is not the answer. Boulder, CO: Westview …

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