Inspiration & Creativity example

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Inspiration & Creativity

As I observed myself for a week, I could understand that my inspiration and creativity are connected with several different factors. These factors can increase my own creativity and help me to inspire other people. First of all, interest in and passion about what I am doing are inspiring. When I am interested, I want to do more, search for new ways to do things, and develop new ideas. I am able to continue working even when I am tired. Herewith, my creativity evolves as my interest and curiosity increase. Music and art also inspire me and stimulate my creativity. When I see or hear something beautiful, my mood improves while making me feel more confident and inspired. Music and art help me to think in new ways and see things broader. Music and art may encourage generation of unexpected ideas and help me to look at things from different perspectives. For example, I may ask myself “What if…” questions and consider effects of my decisions and choices on others.

Thus, music and art stimulate my creativity. In addition, music may harmonize me and help me to think clearer and control my mind more. In such state my creativity increases. Various events also provide a source of new ideas and creativity. I can meet interesting people there and hear about some interesting ideas which can inspire me. I can give rest to my mind during events or, on the contrary, encourage my thinking. In both cases, events stimulate my creativity. Walks and nature provide inspiration through helping my mind to rest and thus, find new ideas. Walks may also involve silence and help me to quiet my mind. After a good walk, I can look at different issues with new forces.

In addition, during walks in parks or forests, I can see nice places and things (plants, flowers, or lakes) which can also inspire me and enhance my creativity. Great and interesting people inspire me too. Their ideas, achievements, and beliefs may provide a good example. They may show that unexpected solutions are possible and that a dream can be achievable. They inspire me to grow, develop, try, and take actions. Great and interesting people may also encourage me to think in new ways, thus enhancing my creativity. Reading about them and reading their works and ideas encourages my imagination. Finally, personal achievement inspires me to move on. As I achieve something, I realize that my efforts are worthy and this inspires me to continue working. Great achievements can stimulate my creative thinking. In this regard, to become more inspired and increase my creativity, I should make myself interested in my work. I can also listen to music, look at some artworks, visit events, read about great people, or go for a walk.

On the whole, I should be open to new things and ideas and ensure rest and silence for my mind when needed. I can inspire other people in …

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