Medical Terminology
#1 Musculoskeletal problem
Female, 69 years old, Asian. The complaints included continuous pain in the thoracic (chest) region of the back. The reason for the visit was the vertebrae (spine) fracture. Due to age and first complaints along with obvious kyphosis (abnormal curvature of the upper portion of the spine), the patient was suspect to suffer from osteoporosis (loss of bone density). Patient first was visually examined in a standing position. Patient’s body was examined on the presence of untypical skin folds from dorso-cranial (upper back) to ventro-caudal (lower enteric) sides. In order to confirm the hypothetical diagnosis, the patient needs to undergo endocrinological tests in order to research for possible metabolic reasons for bone density loss.
#2 Gastrointestinal problem
Female, 30 years old, Caucasian. Patient came with the complaint on acute gastralgia (pan in the stomach), anorexia (loss of appetite) and mild fever (high body temperature). The set completely matches the symptoms of appendicitis, so the patient was immediately sent to surgery.
#3 Respiratory problem
Male, 57 years old, Hispanic. Patient complains on constant fatigue (feeling of being tired) and diaphoresis (profuse sweating) at night. The examination found out that patient had been coughing for several past weeks, but did not complained about it, because he thought it is typical for a smoker. However, he admitted that the frequency and severity of cough did increase in the last time. The patient is suspected to have a tuberculosis in an active form. To confirm the diagnosis, the patient was sent to pass the TB tests.
Gylys, Barbara A., Mary Wedding. Medical Terminology Systems, 7th Edition. F.A. Davis Company, 12/2012. [South University]. Retrieved from
1) Rachel Riley – I really like the choice of symptoms for the assignment. I would be very interested in familiarizing myself with your research as I realized, I do not know enough about Celiac Disease. The topic seems to be an unusual one, so it would be great if we could teach each other new things about our areas of interest.
2) Felicia Kelley – You did a great job describing every single point in such a detail. About your respirator patient, do you consider adding new tests for the patient in future? Or will you just repeat the sputum test?
3) Baylee Mooney – Thank you for making your post very informative and easy to read. I will try to adopt the way you systematize information in your text and use for our future assignments. And talking about medications suggested: do you consider them sufficient or you would like to expand the list and give a more detailed description of how they are supposed to help the …