Mineral Deficiencies and Hydration Status Report example

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Mineral Deficiencies and Hydration Status Report


1. My DRI for Calcium is 1000 mg. The UL is 2.5 g.

2. My Calcium intake was 645 mg. It was under the DRI .

3. The foods that had the highest amounts of calcium were: cheese, milk

4. To increase my supply of Calcium I would suggest adding cottage cheese or greek yoghurt , cheese sticks, spinach.

5. I might notice the muscle weakness, loss of bone mass, osteoporosis.


1. My DRI for potassium is 4700 mg. There is no UL for pottasium.

2. My potassium intake was 2653mg My pottasium level was under the DRI.

3. The foods that contained the biggest amount of pottasium were:vegetables(mixed, drained) and sweet corn.

4. To increase my potassium intake I would suggest adding more fresh vegetables and fruits to my diet . Bananas, potatoes, tomatoes are good source of potassium.

5. The chronically low intake of potassium may lead to hypertension, bloating, heart disease.

Sodium 1941 mg 1500mg a day 2300 mg

1. My DRI for sodium is 1500 mg a day. My UL for sodium is 2300 mg a day.

2. My intake for sodium was 1941 mg. My intake was over the DRI but lover the UL .

3. The highest amounts of sodium could be found in cheeseburger, fajita style chicken, spring rolls.

4. To lower the amount of sodium intake I would try to stay away from foods with more than enough seasoning, try to lower the amount of salty foods in my diet.

5. If the intake of sodium is chronically low that may lead to weakness, hypovolemia, hypotension. The regular increased amount of sodium consuption on the opposite site leads to hypervolemia, hypertension, bloating.


1. My DRI for Iron is 8mg. My UL for Iron is 45 mg.

2. My Iron intake was 9 mg. My Iron intake was slightly above the DRI.

3. The foods that contained iron were :chicken, cheeseburger. Those were the heme iron supplies.

4.My diet was balanced in Iron so I would suggest continuing eating enough meat for the day.

5. The chronic deficiency in Iron leads to anemia, hypotension, fatigue, muscle weakness.


1. My DRI for Zinc is 11 mg a day. My UL for Zinc is 40 mg a day.

2. My Zinc intake was 6 mg.It was under the DRI levels.

3. The foods that contained Zinc were:milk, vegetables, meat .

4. To increase my intake of Zinc I would suggest adding more seafood and beef and whole grains to my diet.

5. The decreased amount of Zinc consumption can lead to poor growth and development, hair loss, skin rashes and lesions, diarrhea, immune deficiency, reproductive system abnormalities.

Water 800 ml should be 3.7

My water intake was 800 ml . My recommended intake would be 3.7 l a day. …

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