Motivational Interviewing example

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Motivational Interviewing

Motivational interviewing in the field of health is defined from various perspectives. From the practitioners’ point of view, motivational interviewing is an overarching counseling approach of relating with patients. A health professional using this style employs any technique that seems to be useful at the moment. Another description of motivational interviewing is seen from the clinical research viewpoint that states that it is a set of methods, strategies, and attitudes, which are explained and rated with measures of therapy fidelity (Johnson, 2011).

Motivational interviewing plays a significant role in the field of health in the area of communication. It is a strategy used by practitioners to influence behavioral change at a personal level applying face to face technique mode of communication. The rationale of motivational interviewing is to promote investigation of logic to transform conduct that has not been addressed before. The impact of behavior is targeted at ‘problematic’ health behaviors. In the discipline of health, the manner in which a message is created has an influence on the internal motivation by directing the way a person comprehends a situation (Dixey & C.A.B. International, 2012).

The motive of this essay is to reflect on the family caregiver interview article that discusses the utilization of motivational interviewing as a tool in health communication. Critique of the “philosophical” assumptions that underlie the topic and/or the methods that are used to study the topicThe assumption in the article the family caregiver interview states that in the process of conversations and interviews, patients provide details in cues to reveal emotional events happening in their lives in a manner that is hard to follow and understand (Sparks, Travis & Thompson, 2005). The authors of this article suggest that gestures and words constitute arguable signals that need to be expounded so that the interviewer can capture all the details. One point which is clear is that communication is not all about the translation of information, but it involves the exchange of messages between the interviewee and the interviewer.

The interaction during communication shapes the way signals are used in the exchange of a message and how it is managed. At this point, communication becomes complicated because the persons involved are not aware of the signals they are conveying. From this perspective, Sparks, Travis & Thompson (2005), argues that the interview education received by health and human service professionals is not adequate to enable them to manage complex interview circumstances in the current health environment (p.4). Consequently, health and human service professions should be capable of identifying the important pieces of information provided by a client while they listen to them. Specifically, caregivers conceal their issues and problems by using communication signals.

Hence, the need to employ effective interview strategies in circumstances where cues are used in the process of communication to attain accurate and complete information (Sparks et al., 2005).Discuss something you like (or dislike!) about a …

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