Organization and Diversity and Organization and Motivation Reports example

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Organization and Diversity


People are all different exhibiting a great deal valid abilities. Employees in an organization have different skills, abilities and ideas that bring about their differences and can lead to misunderstanding, miscommunication and conflict upon poor management. (Robbins and Judge 2017) Diversification in organizations is as a result of differences like terms of age, gender, race, ethnicity and ability. According to Robbins and Judge (2017), diversity reflects in two levels; surface-level diversity and deep-level diversity. Surface-level diversity is brought about by assumptions and stereotype while deep-surface diversity is brought about by important characteristics such as personality and values.

Diversity management theory.

Diversity management is a theory that shows how best a manager can effectively handle the differences to increase the organization’s access to the widest possible pool of skills, abilities and ideas. Diversity
management is the process and program by which managers make everyone more aware of and sensitive to needs and differences of others. Managers should understand the major concerns of diversification and their effect on the organizations performance. According to Robbins and Judge (2017), discrimination is a major setback in diversity management. Discrimination refers to noting of a difference between things; often unfair
discrimination, which means making judgments about individuals based on stereotypes regarding their demographic

Diversity management is a managerial requirement in all organizations to ensure as smooth running of operations. Organizations should educate managers about legal frameworks for equal employment opportunity and encourage fair treatment of all people regardless of their demographic characteristics. Over the past few years, age discrimination in work force has led to the elderly facing attitudes of inefficiency delivery and are
more vulnerable to layoffs while the young employees are viewed as inexperienced and are even denied learning opportunities. According to Robbins and Judge (2017), age discrimination is as a result of stereotypes
that suggest that older workers are less adaptable, less flexible, and incapable of learning new concepts. Research, on the other hand, suggests they are capable of learning and adapting to new situations when these are framed appropriately.

Diversity management has positive effect on organizational performance since a diversified work force has the ability and skills to serve a diverse market of customers and clients. Diversification also boosts employees and clients satisfaction since they are treated and served equally and reduces employee absenteeism since they feel appreciated and equal with their coworkers and this creates motivation to work for the prosperity of the organization. (Robbins and Judge 2017) Poor diversification management leads to misunderstanding between workers since some perceive others as inferior and incompetent but this leads to disunity and lack of harmony between the workers leading to poor turnover rates and conflicts …

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