Police Officers Stress Management Discussion example

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Police Officers Stress Management Discussion

1. Compared with the ordinary citizens, the police officers experience greater stress in everyday life, which damages their health and put them at significantly higher risk for suffering from the physical and mental health disorders. The research has found out that the stressors relate directly to the obesity, suicides, sleeplessness and cancers among police officers. In the study that has involved 100 participants the researchers discovered that shift work is contributing to the obesity, hypertension and glucose intolerance among police officers. More than that, the statistics show that more than 25% of police officers experience metabolic syndromes compared to 18% of general population. Male and female police officers have increased rates of self-reported stress and are more inclined to poor sleep and health conditions (Golbaum, 2012). Concluding, police officers experience more stress and stress related problems than the average Americans. The stress factors that the police officers suffer from are not unique, since as it has been stressed, the high violence rates do not affect their performance. Yet, there are strong concerns regarding the females as they experience more stress in the workplace mainly due to the organizational culture of the police departments.

2. Before starting the discussion as to the practical exercises and approaches that might decrease the impact of the stressors, it should be asserted that the organizational context should be addressed first. Therefore, the reforms in the organizational culture and behavior should be of the primary importance and go first in the campaign against the stressors in the law enforcement work. Additionally, the police officers are recommended to avoid the alcohol, the use of nicotine as well as other mechanisms that help to cope with the stress or ease it (MgGhee, 2014). The proactive strategy requires the involvement of the police officers in the healthy lifestyle since the better diet and more exercises can improve the resilience of the body to various stressors. Additionally, the officers are advised to say «no» in case they are charged with the overtime work or additional shift. They should not be afraid to turn down the initiative that might be stress provoking for them.


Golbaum, E. (2012). Police Officer Stress Creates Significant Health Risks Compared to General Population, Study Finds. Retrieved from http://www.buffalo.edu/news/releases/2012/07/13532.html

MgGhee, T. (2014). Police officers struggle with PTSD, but treatment can bring stigma. Denver Post. Retrieved from …

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