Problems in The United States Healthcare System example

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Problems in The United States Healthcare System

Some people have expressed their opposition to the notion that the high cost of healthcare is a serious issue. However, it is no doubt that the high and continually rising cost of healthcare in the United States is becoming a major problem. Worse still is the fact that the cost of specialty drugs is more prohibitive than the traditional drugs. Specialty drugs are believed to be more complex and require a more sophisticated approach to handling them. Unlike previously when specialty drugs targeted only a small population, today, they are critical is treating most of the chronic illnesses such as cancer that affect tens of millions of people nationally. Studies show that the rising cost of healthcare in the United States can be attributed to technological advancements and the increasing numbers of the aging population. The overall expenditure on healthcare in the United States is believed to be higher than most of the countries. Many strategies have been put in place to reduce the rate at which the cost of accessing healthcare is rising. Some of which include the emergence of insurance companies. The figure below shows the cost of healthcare in the United States compeered to other countries.Indeed, the rising cost of healthcare is not only a concern for the government but is also now an issue of interest to the public. The state and federal governments and employers who provide comprehensive healthcare for their employees are equally alarmed by the same problem of rising cost. Various researches have given suggestions attempting to explain the reasons behind the skyrocketing cost of healthcare in the United States. Brill, (2015) explains that the high cost of healthcare in the United States could as a result of the external forces.

An example of a factor that is not within the healthcare system is the rising numbers of the aging population. For instance, research has shown that approximately 10,000 baby boomers who were born between 1946 and 1964 will turn 65 each day for the next 19 years. Besides, the technological advancements, especially in companies that have difficulty in containing costs, is believed to be another factor that causes the constantly rising cost of healthcare. Since the use of new technologies is not restrained in the US, the country is bound to incur higher healthcare costs.Impacts Of The ProblemAn increasing share of the United States of America prescription is surely increasing as a result of high cost of spending on specialty drugs. In fact, studies have shown that the cost is skyrocketing at a rate that will soon become unsustainable. To ensure that there is sustainable healthcare system in the US, there is a need to address the cost issues. As a result, it will achieve …

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