"Reinvigorating Actus Reus: the case for involuntary actions by veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder' by Melisa Hamilton example

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"Reinvigorating Actus Reus: the case for involuntary actions by veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder' by Melisa Hamilton

The article focuses on common law criminal. Criminal culpability is based on two foundations of a voluntary act; that is men's rea and criminal intent that comprises of men's rea. The men's rea comprise of litigation in criminal cases concerns to particular defendant’s mental state. Actus reus has a little focus on defendant's mental state. Despite the historical consensus of retributivists and utilitarians, case law is devoted to attention to fleshing out the voluntary act concept. Case law is based on the concept that a person should not be considered legally or morally culpable for his or her involuntary action. Studies on posttraumatic stress disorder though they often convict veterans on criminals offenses, they support the argument that violence can be conceptualized as automatism. Therefore, criminal culpability is not qualified as a voluntary act.

Man arrested for plotting terror attack on times square' published by the New York post about Mr. Naji who is charged with attempt to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization

The article focuses on an incident that occurred on July 19, 2016, where a man was arrested. The man had evoked a terrorist attack in Times Square with a dumpster. The attack was strongly inspired by the attack of Nice, which had made 86 victims on July 14 last. The arrest of Mohamed Rafik Naji occurs while the police fear, particularly on the attack that had been forecasted to be conducted in the three days of the parade of Thanksgiving. This was because the parade attaracts more than 3 million people in New York each year. The event recently called "excellent target" in propaganda documents.

The New Yorker of Yemeni origin was arrested on Monday as he planned a terrorist attack in Times Square. According to the US authorities, Mohamed Rafik Naji, 37, wanted to reproduce an attack similar to that, which cost the lives of more than 80 people this summer in Nice. The man, who demonstrated his support for the Islamic state group on his Facebook page, was planning to use a garbage truck to crush pedestrians. Naji reportedly traveled to Yemen and Turkey in 2015. He then reported his plans to an FBI secret agent, media officials said.

Men’s rea for sexual abuse: the case of defining the acceptable risk, by Erick A. Johnson

The article focuses on sexual abuse or sexual violence in children because they cannot knowingly consent to the actions because of their physical, mental, intellectual, or linguistic subordination. The perpetrator uses his or her power and authority position to satisfy their needs at the expense of the child.

The social science definition applies to all minors. For under 14-year-olds, it is assumed that they cannot agree to sexual acts. They are always to be considered as sexual violence, even if a child would agree with it. Sexual violence begins with sexual overlaps such as verbal harassment or …

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