Reorganization and Laying Off Solutions example

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Reorganization and Laying Off Solutions


The group was tasked with coming up with the best solution to avoid the emotional distress caused by getting laid off to employees. We came up with two ways. One that ensured they remained working and the other that ensured they had a smooth transition into other jobs or retirement. The Crawford’s Slip Writing method is what we used to come up with these solutions. Reorganization and Laying Off SolutionsMismanaged layoffs can have very adverse effects on all employees involved. The effects of these kinds of terminations are felt by the remaining workers as well as those being laid off.

The image of the employer is also dealt a big blow as they are seen as heartless and inconsiderate towards their employees by the public. It is important to find out the way to deal with the employees and the employer when such situations arise. For a business entity to require laying off a number of workers, the primary factor is that the enterprise is not making enough money to be able to keep running and pay all its staff the agreed upon salaries and wages. The first solution is temporarily cutting down the numbers of hours in a work week for each employee. Due to the emotional distress caused by layoffs, most employees would prefer that they remain employees and have a constant paycheck even though it is not what they had previously agreed on with the employer while they look for more opportunities elsewhere in their spare time.

Most business entities try to bring employees together and make them feel like a big family. Such an objective is attained when a company invests for employee retreats and team-building expeditions and exercises (Ryan, 2003). It comes in handy when the employer decides to cut down the working hours of each employee instead of laying off some workers. In a team, it is general knowledge that everyone looks out for each other. The mentality will help employees agree to cut down on their hours for some of them to remain working. The decision is known to breed better results from employees than retrenching some of them to accommodate the financial problems that come with the slow business. Better results from employees are in part attained through the loyalty of the employer to the employee which will breed a general feeling of wanting to give more to the company which will subsequently help the business recover from the hole it is slipping. If the general plan is to cut down hours and eventually lay off specific employees, it will give them sufficient time and space to deal with the financial difficulties that come with retrenchment. Employees that have ample time to prepare for the loss of work leave the company with a kind of understanding as to why they had to go for some to remain and do not hold a lot of …

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