Swire Company SWOT Analysis
Strong brand
Deep understanding of the business and vast accrued knowledge
Marketing creativity
Localized CSR
Lack of new projects
High risk of investments
Headquarter dependence
Growing number of foreign buyers
Rise of technology
Market slowdown
Lowering incomes of local population
Strong brand. Swire has been present on the American market for more than 40 years, during which it managed to fulfill a number of successful projects like the award-winning Courvoisier Centre office complex (Swire Properties Website Company Biography, 2013). As the company declares itself “the Swire name, branded under its distinctive flag insignia, has come to stand for confidence, proficiency and impeccable standards worldwide” (Swire Properties Website Swire History, 2013).
Deep understanding of the business and vast accrued knowledge. Swire Properties USA has the opportunity to use its headquarters’ international experience, expertise and accrued knowledge. For example, despite pessimistic predictions of various industry experts, Swire relied on its own analysis and took the risk of high investments into now-thriving Brickell project (Lima, 2016).
Marketing creativity. Understanding of the market and the target audience helps the company to position itself properly. Thus, a recent campaign of Brickell City Centre “Welcome to the Centre of Attention” has received positive reviews and revealed company’s ability to stand out through creativity (Natividad, 2016).
Localized CSR. The company is deeply involved into CSR: it has contributed to a great deal of local social causes: from the Miami Lighthouse for the Blind to active participation in Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce, the Beacon Council, the Blue Ribbon Commission of the City of Miami and the World Trade Center, …