Terrorism Behavior and The Media example

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Terrorism Behavior and the Media

Question A.

There are many terrorist groups in the world. They are of different character and with different goals. Nevertheless, all of them are similar in recruiting new members. Terrorist groups often recruit people which are believed to be religious zealots. Besides, people who have nothing more to lose are recruited by terrorists. Apart from this, terrorist groups search for narrowly focused specialists in this or that field. Finally, people are recruited by terrorist according to their ideological views (Wilson).

The basic reasons why people join terrorist groups are the following: they want to realize their ideological goals; they are weak and come under the influence of terrorists; they want to find their own identity and to be settled in life. However, once people are recruited by terrorist groups, they are changed tremendously as affected by psychological attacks. More than that, these people start feeling that they are individuals, but as a matter of fact they are not. On the contrary, they turn into a ruck. Furthermore, the recruited feel cornered and sometimes even lose connection with reality.

Question B.

Nowadays censorship of the media is often used as a means for fighting with terrorism. However, it seems to be a controversial strategy in some cases. First of all, censorship can violate people’s rights and freedoms. Second, this strategy is often not effective and may cause the revere effect, since people usually strive for new information. There are pros and contras of the curtailing of news information to the public. Among advantages of censorship the following can be mentioned: protection of a personal privacy; hiding pieces of information which are considered to be confidential (Halbrooks).

Disadvantages of information cutting mainly refer to access limitation to information which is politically or economically important and can be used in fighting with terrorism. In general, it is not always reasonable to restrict access to information which pertains to highlighting of terroristic activities, since it may be significant for society.

Works Cited

Halbrooks, Glenn. “How Media Censorship Affects the News.” About.com n.d. Web. ‹http://media.about.com/od/mediaethics/a/How-Media-Censorship-Affects-The-News.htm›.

Wilson, James Q. “What Makes a Terrorist?” City Journal 2004. Web. …

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