The Contribution of Middle Management In Relation to Information Creation example

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The Contribution of Middle Management In Relation to Information Creation

Middle management refers to the immediate leadership of the senior management. They have therefore a key role to play in the progress of the company and the fulfillment of organizational goals. They are involved in the daily activities of the organization and so have valuable information that no other level of management could possibly get.

First they oversee the implementation of the policies put in place by the top management and so they provide information in terms of, how well the policy is likely to yield positive results and what changes that need to be made. This way the top level management is kept abreast with what’s happening at the ground level. Secondly, in cases where the management embraces brainstorming as a way of collecting information for informed decision making. They need the contribution of the work groups; middle management comes in to link up the two and better communicate the intended purpose of the exercise since they possess excellent interpersonal skills (Nonaka, 2008).Cooperation of the entire workforce in the organization is key to information creation. Middle management creates this cooperation across all departments. First they motivate the employees on the ground to achieve greater success in the implementation of organizational goals.

Self-fulfillment and belonging will guarantee the flow of information from the top to the top and from the bottom to the top without any interference and with absolute sincerity and honesty. This is the most favorable environment to generate information from different people in the organization. Top managers, therefore, should at all times create room for the middle management to create more cooperation and win the commitment of all people in the different work groups.


Nonaka, Ikujiro. The knowledge-creating company. Harvard Business Review Press, …

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