The Effects of Alcohol on Developing Fetus
It is well-known that alcohol consumption hurts the human body. Nevertheless, some women allow themselves to drink alcohol during pregnancy, justifying their actions with a small amount of alcohol consumed. However, maternal alcohol consumption has significant consequences not only for the developing fetus but also for the public and society. Watching a pregnant woman drinking alcohol, young people may find this normal, while girls may imitate such behavior in the future. This causes a destructive effect on the younger generation and their future children, so this topic is very relevant and important for consideration. Nevertheless, alcohol plays a prominent role in modern society, as each nation has its traditions associated with it. Alcohol consumption as a common practice is often performed in accordance with strict cultural prescriptions, expressed in etiquette and socially approved patterns of behavior (a combination of alcoholic beverages and dishes, the sequence of drinking alcohol, etc.) (Ross-Houle, 2014). It is emphasized that alcohol serves as a marker for the construction of identity, the formation of reputation and the limits of social inclusion. There is a lot of literature in which the consumption of alcohol is viewed through the prism of rituals, including signifying the transition from one state to another (Ross-Houle, 2014). However, these traditions refer to the proper use of alcohol, behind which are patterns of habitual behavior, and the boundaries of normality are socially constructed. These schemes form the culture and traditions of drinking alcohol. As for maternal alcohol consumption, it is proved that even a small portion of strong alcohol has an extremely negative effect on the developing fetus (Momino et al., 2012). Regardless of the variety and the amount of the drink, the effect of alcohol on the fetus will still be felt. Besides, alcohol is very toxic, especially substandard or drunk in large quantities. Moreover, the highest mortality rate falls in regions with a high prevalence of chronic alcoholism and alcoholic psychosis (Yang, 2015). Thus, maternal alcohol consumption is very dangerous, especially to the developing fetus, as it can cause fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), neurodevelopmental disorders, creates additional problems for the public health system and social problems for the drinking mother.
Public and Consumer Interest in the Topic
This topic is of the great interest because the maternal use of alcohol can lead to the development of fetal alcohol syndrome, which is incurable. The first trimester of pregnancy is the most dangerous period when drinking alcohol is strictly forbidden (Williams, & Smith, 2015). During this time, there is the beginning of the formation of the basic systems of the fetus (for example, the neural tube and cardiovascular system). Alcohol, including even small amount of red wine, inhibits this process, causing irreversible pathologies of development (Williams, & Smith, 2015). This means that it is impossible to cure such deviations after the birth of the baby. The child can exhibit such abnormalities as deformation of the face and head shape, small growth, weakness, heart …