"Does Cigarette Attract Women?" Research example

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Does Cigarette Attract Women?

In order to fully assess the perception of smoking men by female population, it is necessary to differentiate the smoking habits of these two genders. In spite of the significant accomplishments in framework of the evidence-based tobacco use prevention measures in the course of the past five decades, cigarette abuse continues to be among the primary health risks all over the planet apart from obesity and pollution (Cummings & Proctor, 2014). For the duration of the last century, a projected amount of 100 million lethal cases were a result of tobacco use, with 16 percent of fatal outcomes among males and 7 percent of fatal outcomes among females (Peters, Huxley, & Woodward, 2014). It has been estimated that there will be around 1 billion lethal cases that are related to the cigarette abuse by the end of the current century.

In addition, the scientists suggest that this problem will more likely have a differential effect on the female population in comparison to males. This statistics can be explained by the fact that females are currently at an earlier stage of the cigarette abuse compared to males in a vast amount of countries all over the world. Growing indication from extensive recent studies advocates that an overall range of dangers of persistent tobacco use are significantly bigger for females in comparison to the adverse health outcomes for males (Peters, Huxley, & Woodward, 2014). For instance, current research has demonstrated that, after smoking a certain fixed amount of cigarettes, females might be at bigger risk of developing tumors in the lungs in comparison to males (Peters, Huxley, & Woodward, 2014; Levin, Goldstein, & Gerhardt, 2015). In addition, a latest meta-analysis that consisted of a sampling group of millions of people, demonstrated that, in spite of the fact that tobacco use significantly amplified the hazard of developing coronary heart disease for both genders, those women who are predisposed to the cigarette abuse have a twenty-five percent bigger excess relative danger of developing coronary heart disease in comparison to those males who smoke as much cigarettes as females in this study.

The researchers have proposed several potential explanations for the predispositions towards adverse health outcomes among smoking women. One of these justifications includes the fact that women are more inclined to the negative consequences of tobacco abuse or might receive a bigger amount of carcinogens along with other lethal materials and particles from the identical quantity of cigarettes compared to men. On the other hand, this inclination may be explained by the fact that tobacco abuse is more risk-prompting among females compared to males. To be precise, young women might pick up their bad smoking habits when they are generally younger than men, or they might smoke a bigger quantity of cigarettes during one day compared to men of the same age category.

Based on the increased predisposition towards developing various health problems in the future, for example, coronary heart disease, women tend to …

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