The Faith of Newton, Kepler, and Pasteur: The Christian Roots of Modern Science example

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The Faith of Newton, Kepler, and Pasteur: The Christian Roots of Modern Science

Nowadays Science and Religion Struggles

To start with, it should be noted that in current understanding of the definition of any science, which is considered being a tool for achieving innovations, there is no place left for even a tiny correlation between religion and science in general. Even more, these two terms are almost considered as antonyms and being used widely not to bridge gaps between misunderstandings and conflicts but to breed new rivalries and issue situations. Nowadays, approximately all types of science imply its greatness and possibility of being applied in any branch, thus being able to describe everything surrounding either it is any natural phenomenon or any other unknown case. Process of separation between science and religion has been occurring for centuries and the far we go the more irreversible it becomes.

Right now it seems like the partial primary target, which scientists established, regarding persuading crowd in absence of any religion and ridicule of their belief by launching satellites for really important tasks but simultaneously shouting at all sides about unsoundness of theories supported by others. The same situation faces the other side of the fence with calls concerning unsustainability of theories grounded on experiments. The most likely it would not be the best option to start comparing them at this point and begin looking for key points in order to gain union and common understanding. The primary reason why is because majority of facts and evidences have been destroyed and hardly will ever face our world. Despite the fact that both religion and science played significant roles in development of history and left indelible marks in the form of our present world there is no clue for humility and common goal to be achieved (Brooke, 1998).

Look From Origin Prospective

But let us try to estimate this situation from another prospective. What if stop comparing them at current scale trying to join divergent in time branches and take a look at the origins of everything. Let us take a little trip to the times when none of existing technologies and scientific discoveries was made in the volume we have now. Let us appeal to the people who linked their lives with scientific activity and founded extremely important basics of science, which had unpriced impact on future generations. But, with all that they didn’t abandon their belief and kept on working in both directions. In my view, listed statements above can be sustainable if taking for example Isaac Newton life. Such person can be described as a genius scientist, predictor and inventor. He is mostly known for his merits in development of the generalized binomial theorem, calculus, optics, and, of course, the law of gravitation. His works on reflecting telescope and later published Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica (later translated in 1825 as The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy), where he described universal gravitation and three laws of …

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